Finished the first draft of the proposal

Last night the writing really flew. I finished the first draft of the revised GREEN MAGIC proposal, and managed to make myself cry, and was amazed by the surprise turn the story took. It all made sense, it all fit in with the background and the worldbuilding, but I never saw it coming until my fingers were putting the story on the page. I did about 2700 words in an hour and a half (a bit over 300 words every ten minutes), and they were keepers. Today and tomorrow I’ll edit the proposal, and Wednesday I’ll put together a new synopsis. Thursday I’ll revise the synopsis and send the package off to my agent.

I’m really excited about this story.

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4 responses to “Finished the first draft of the proposal”

  1. Holly Avatar

    Still wrapping up the revisions. I want this to blow socks off, so the revisions have to be really good. Wish me luck.

  2. Chassit Avatar

    That’s great Holly! Way to go!

  3. prayleen Avatar

    Congratulations, Holly!

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