So there it is.
I already know the outline is not perfect.
I already know that there are parts of it I will change as I write them, that there are places where I will have better ideas, that there are places where I will decide a scene I’ve outlined is stupid — and will change it — and then will decide that I was right the first time, and go back in and do what I planned…
But this is the process — for me, anyway.
This is how my brain works… and I can’t even say it’s the way it works BEST.
It’s just the way I’ve figured out that allows me to write first drafts that are good enough to keep while I revise them into the stories I wish I could have created right out of the gate.
I have something that has shape and form and that takes me from where I am to where I think I want to be, and that allows me the room to find better destinations (and the net to save the story when one of them turns out to be an imaginary bridge over a very real cliff).
Now I’ll go through the rest of my list of things to do for today…
And tomorrow, I’ll start on page one, word one of Ohio Book 4.
I’m excited. I always am.
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