Fine, Fine Progress

Culture and Map and Terrain are finished. (I had to do a significant rewrite on Language, which is where the rest of the words went for the day.

Now I’m heading into Throwing Stuff Against the Wall, Theme and Concept, and When Things Go Splat: Word Games.

My goal is to have this on sale the last day of this month or the first day of May. Might not happen–I’ve been known to run long, and since I don’t figure padding into my schedules for me the way I do for a publisher, I can actually end up coming a week or two late. But I’m keeping to my wordcount goals, and the work is going very well. So we’ll see.

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4 responses to “Fine, Fine Progress”

  1. Jass Avatar

    Yipee! 2/3 of the way done. Woot! Keep on, keeping on!

  2. nienke Avatar

    Go Holly Go!

  3. Holly Avatar

    I think it’s the best of the clinics I’ve done so far. It’s strictly hands-on, usable techniques like the other books, but with the broadest appeal, because just about everyone gets stuck on plot sooner or later.

    And for some reason it’s coming out a lot funnier than the rest of them, even Language Clinic.

  4. Jason Penney Avatar

    The book sounds really great, I’m really excited about it (which is saying a lot because it ranked lowest for me out of the four options in your poll). The posted excerpts really made an impact.

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