FINAL covers for the ARHEL series

Fire in the Mist, FINAL cover art
Fire in the Mist, FINAL cover art

I ran through all three covers with Matt, and decided on final designs. Went with a cloth background for the books, moved the border in and faded it just a touch, and completely redesigned the titles for all three books.

Bones of the Past FINAL artwork
Bones of the Past FINAL artwork

Also changed the gold border from rounded to squared, and thinned it down a bit. These aren’t quite as shockingly vivid thanks to the cloth overlay, and they’re much easier to read even at tiny sizes.

Mind of the Magic FINAL artwork
Mind of the Magic FINAL artwork

Much happier with these than the first versions.

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4 responses to “FINAL covers for the ARHEL series”

  1. Sue Santore Avatar

    These are some of my favorites of your books. I think the clean covers will look good as e-book thumbnails. Will you be putting all your fiction on as e-books?

  2. Tim Walker Avatar
    Tim Walker

    I really like the last two covers. They are great. I do not feel the same about the first cover. The artwork in the center might be great on a book, but on my computer screen it does not speak clearly to me.

  3. Gabby Avatar

    Holly, I’m getting really excited to order your books. Can’t wait

    Do you think you will also offer them through the Holly shop?

  4. Julia Rachel Barrett Avatar

    Lovely covers. The Celtic knots draw the eye to the title and author’s name. The colors are perfect.

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