Filling in, catching up, and debugging: 1299 words, and 91,045 total.

So… yup… today I ran over my planned length.

It’s okay. I wrote a fair amount of new stuff, debugged a few small issues from yesterday’s work, and I figured out an optimal word length for the book that will, if I can stay under on on my word budget (which is around 1800 to 2000 words for each of the remaining chapters, allow me to finish the book on time with 110,000 words total — which is still within acceptable objective standards for delivering the same reading feel as the first two books.

I made myself laugh at one point, and made myself cry just a page or two later.

And dealt with an issue that has bugged me in so many urban fantasy novels (including ones I’ve really loved) in a way that I have not seen done before.

By doing it, I limited characters’ power creep issues, where in some series I’ve read, the heroes keep gaining additional powers in every book, until by the time the series is over, they’re not people anymore. They’re gods.

I want my people to stay human. Today, I set the parameters to make sure that happens.

Anyway, I like what I got, and I have two more chapters mostly written that I will just read through and adapt to make sure I don’t contradict the rest of the book — and then five big blank chapters in which, in bites of 2000 words apiece, I can write toward the finished final chapter.

I could conceivably finish reading through and touching up both existing chapters tomorrow, and maybe even get started on the first blank one the waits after them tomorrow.

If I can do it, that would be cool.


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