ER, With A Side Of Law

Kettan, in the ER, explains to the cops the trouble her boyfriend Nate has been having the past year.

530 words, and the trouble he’s been having isn’t quite what I imagined when I started writing the scene. It’s a lot less obvious and a lot more interesting.

Two more working nights and I’ll have scene two finished, and I’ll post it.

How did your writing go?

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26 responses to “ER, With A Side Of Law”

  1. Gabby Avatar

    …looking forward to the new scene (can’t wait)

    anyway, 1677 today.

  2. Kenzie Avatar

    Due to lack of time I didn’t get any words done today, but I will definitely get some done tomorrow.

  3. Tori Avatar

    Oh my God Holly…your first scene was amazing! I can’t wait to find out what happens next!
    Well, it seems like this week is harder than ever to get the words out. I have found out I hate middles. Yup, I can’t stand them. I loved my beginning and I have high hopes for the end…but I am really annoyed with what is flowing on the page now. And that is probably bad.
    At the moment I have over 28k on my Nano Novel. Hopefully by the end of the day I’ll have reached 30k. But something tells me it is not going to be easy in the slightest.

  4. Cat (from HtTS) Avatar

    Managed a good 2.5K. After having been ill for more than a week it feels great to get back into the swing of things. I’m a bit sorry to know that I am working on the last few scenes of this novel (the next one is lined up HtTS-style). I’m planning to catch up on my NaNo-wordcount this time next week.

  5. Karen Avatar

    Been doing more lurking than anything lately. Really enjoyed the first scene, Holly. The geek in me is thrilled to see your writing process. ^_^

    Nano is going okay, I am a little behind, but not too much I don’t think. One of the things I’m learning this time around is how to work around life’s distractions, hopefully I will be apply them to my other WIP once Nano is over.

    Now, off to do some writing.

  6. Emily Avatar

    Just over 3,000 words for the day, yesterday. I was making up for lost time, but I’m all caught up now πŸ™‚
    P.S. I LOVED the first scene!

  7. DasteRoad Avatar

    Barely managed to get to 220 words on tuesday. Something’s changing in my rhythms, maybe it’s the season, but lately I spend all day looking forward to my writing session, and when the moment comes… I’m so tired I almost fall asleep in front of the computer. I’ll have to solve this problem soon if I hope to get anything done.

  8. Lisa R Avatar
    Lisa R

    24 words hand written. I am frustrated because I don’t have time to write. My fibromyalgia is making its appearance and my kids’ schedule is beyond busy. I told my oldest I would sacrafice writing this week for the football championships, but he had to help get me writing time next week. He agreed. What a good kid I have.

  9. Nancy Avatar

    4192 on the Nano novel — a good night with word sprints. The MC met with the sheriff, and hired part time help for her shop, while getting the nasty low down on some town scandal critical to the story. It completely implicated the MC’s favorite suspect and now she’s off following the wrong scent.

  10. Peggy Avatar

    1,082 on DG, and Savvy is about to be hit with a proposal she’s not expecting — and it’s not from the MC.

  11. Adam Avatar

    1000 words for me. finished chapter 22 and started on ch. 23. ended up shifting a scene from chapter 22 into chapter 23 because i wanted chapter 22 done, and it seemed that my outline would benefit from the scene being moved.

    chapter 22 was finished by having the Daol meet in the basement of the Devil and discussed their upcoming journey. Chapter 23 started with Tzal down in the pit, telling Kraz and the rest of the group it was safe to come down. then he heard his name being whispered and was given a decision by the Ancient Del leader of the Zaranzim: become the guardian of Del-Krazeen and The Del’s blessing on attacking the necromancer, or die. Tzal wasn’t too interested in dying, so he accepted being the guardian of Del-Krazeen. both scenes turned out fairly well, and honestly i’m really pleased with the scenes i’ve been writing the past week. they have all seemed to wrap up the loose ends that were dangling and directed this novel towards its climax (which is in ch. 24).

    it is nice being able to see your rough draft of a story, Holly. gives me a goal to shoot for, as i’ve never been lucky enough to see another writer go through each step before. Thanks for this opportunity!

  12. Jessica Avatar

    A few words, none of which made it to typing. I’m having a lot of doubts about the next few scenes and I think it stems to the secondary characters who don’t seem to know what they are doing or why.

    On a different note, I baked my first cake last night (ok, box mix) but to have it cook completely and not burn is a big deal for me! At least it was a tasty distraction.

  13. Larkk Avatar

    1062 words, pretty much winging it through the middle for now. Gotta start connecting this to my ending soon.
    I really enjoyed reading scene one of TalysMana, and have to admit I read it a couple times, first as a reader, (and can’t wait for the second installment!), then a few more times as a writer. Thank you for *showing* as well as telling how its done!

    1. Holly Avatar

      I’m having mad fun with this. And I’ve seen some of Becky’s sketches now, and am excited about those.

  14. Khena Avatar

    I wrote about 1200 yesterday for my nano, which is still okay since I have a bit of a buffer, but I was dissapointed. (Which is rather sickening when I think about it) still making good progess though, life is about to get really bad for my poor MC Rose…

    Rose and the lord she serves were ushered into the Great Hall with the rest of the castle occupants. A High Priest then calmly announced the King had reason to believe there was a Seer among them and that everyone would be subject to questioning without exception. Since Rose is a Seer, she’s in deep trouble. Her god meddles with her a little, helping to calm her (she doesn’t know it, she doens’t get along real welll with him), but it won’t be lasting once she gets in range of the High Priest.

    1. Holly Avatar

      Plus words is better than minus. Words. Hang in. Some days you don’t get all the way there—they’re followed by days where you blow the doors off.

      Hope the next one is one of those. πŸ˜€

  15. Leah Avatar

    400-450 words tonight, not quite to my goal, but I started late today and am (slowly) winning the battle against my cold. My Muse came up with something so unexpected, yet so like my heroine. She’s been having some self-confidence issues–well, that might not be quite the word I’m looking for, but issues nonetheless. I was going to blog tonight; ran out of time. Indian food is a great way to sweat out a cold.

    1. Holly Avatar

      That helps. Raw garlic in chicken soup does, too.

      Hope you feel better.

  16. Ieva Avatar

    2700+, I think. A good writing day (I wrote a little over my NaNo minimum though) with some bizarre alien customs. The most endearing was their tradition to have a memorial service before the funeral, before the actual death of a person. πŸ™‚

    1. Holly Avatar

      So you can actually see who turns up to wish you well, and who turns up to get your stuff. πŸ˜€


  17. Greg Avatar

    D&D: 501
    OFL: 1012
    RFW: 1090
    I seem to keep over-writing for RFW – that is, my scenes usually end up way over the scene length I’m looking for. I’m hoping this will make redrafting a breeze – just trimming down and tidying up…
    D&D still on course to finish one day next week!

  18. The Pencil Neck Avatar
    The Pencil Neck

    1008 words.

    The Bodyguard asks the Princess if she has the ID he got for her. She rolls her eyes and says of course. They exit the shuttle to the mining colony with a crowd of other people… poor people. They are separated into men and women and get cleaned and checked and when it comes time to hand over her ID, The Princess doesn’t have it. And.. she’s forgotten what her new name is. The processing officer takes a sample of cells and runs it through the computer and then realizes she’s talking to the Princess. The Princess remembers what her name is supposed to be. The officer takes the new name, finds it in the ship’s manifest and then takes her aside to create a “new” id for her. The Princess asks for the officer’s name so she can pay her back some day and afraid of reprisals, the officer refuses to give it to her.

    I toyed with the idea of the officer informing on the Princess and turning her over to the new regime but if she gets caught now, I don’t have a way to get her to where she needs to be to do what she needs to do… or… do I… hmmm….

    I expected to get more written tonight but watched V instead. I was also agonizing a bit over the direction of the story. The locales are turning a little more shabby and steampunky than I originally had in mind. I’m not really getting that down on the page, though.

    1. The Pencil Neck Avatar
      The Pencil Neck

      OK. Now that I’ve considered it. The officer is going to turn her in.

      The Princess hasn’t had enough excitement in her life recently.

      1. Holly Avatar

        You operate on the same principle I do—Hurt ’em, hurt ’em harder, then drag ’em over the coals a few times for good measure.

        1. The Pencil Neck Avatar
          The Pencil Neck

          I just learned it from the master. πŸ™‚

  19. Teri Avatar

    1,071 words, including more words that will need editing later, because Princess Mathilde, Laena’s sister, is being far too informal with a country baron she’s never met before.

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