Enjoyed My Weekend

I actually took a full weekend off, from Friday night through sleeping in late this morning, and I didn’t even have to be sick to do it.

I’m just now getting started on the words. Working on Create A Character Clinic, of course, but now giving serious thought to cover art for Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood, and for what I could do as a follow-up novel. I’d have to work on it on the side, but I keep getting flashes and little snippets of scenes that tempt me to pursue.

Hope you had a good weekend. I did.

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4 responses to “Enjoyed My Weekend”

  1. Angelique Avatar

    Glad to hear you had a nice weekend. Looking forward to more CCC updates!

  2. ammit Avatar

    Do you think a sequel to Corrigan’s Blood would be more marketable than C: The Secret Project? Just trying to gauge how you choose on-spec work — what you’re interested in, or what’s marketable. 🙂

  3. Gabriele Avatar

    Yep, them plotbunnies, they have teeth.

  4. Angela-Marina Avatar

    That’s wonderful!!!

    When a story grabs you, it grabs you. Sometimes, it just won’t leave you alone.

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