I’ve been plugging away on editor-requested revisions for the better part of the month, and I’m finally down to the last new scene that I have to write (and in fact when I quit today I was halfway through it). After completing it, I have two more scenes total to revise — I think I’ll be able to finish the whole thing tomorrow. I’m relieved. This has been a revision done with a tremendous amount of outside stress, and it has consequently taken a lot longer than the two weeks I estimated for the project.
This starts me out a bit behind where I wanted to be with Talyn but I’d built enough padding into my schedule that I should still be able to catch up fairly well. I’m guessing that I’ll be ready to start the actual writing on the new book next week (still a bit out line-for-scene outlining that remains to be done before I leap into that.) It’ll be good to get into something new.
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