Down and out for the day

I may be feeling well enough to write tonight, but today, I feel like hammered rat on toast.

Have read all the writing comments for Friday, Saturday, and today, but have mostly not responded. I’m going to go crawl back into bed—what I thought was just being tired has turned out to have “I ate something that hated me” symptoms.

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37 responses to “Down and out for the day”

  1. Roo Avatar

    I think it was going around. I had the same thing this past weekend – and it was fun too, it being 4th of July and Wimbledon and all –
    “I’m fine, I’m fine,I ‘m fine, I’m fine … I’m dead.”

    Fluids are good. Also it’s good that you persevered, and I am jealous. Clearly I’m late signing up at all. I *read* the do-it-with-you post. I got mine on the 30th. But I’d been squeezing out little bitty bits of words. First 100. Then 250. Then 100 again. Then 50, plus a completed flash story. Then I got sick. Then yesterday I got 1100 — but they weren’t on the big topic that I’ve been trying to finish that I hoped to start the project with!
    Oh well. Hope you’re feeling better. And I will sign in on the proper post. (And see what I can do with this draft today.)

  2. Tori Avatar

    I am sorry you are not feeling well. I myself have been ill, but I think my reason is a bit different. I might be pregnant!
    Red dot-
    Holly is right. You need time to grieve. Don’t force yourself to write. Spend some time away from it. Be with the people you love.

  3. Karen van Wyk Avatar

    Hope you feel better soon, Holly. 312 words from me today. Hoping for a few more tomorrow but we shall see.

  4. Beckie Avatar

    No writing for me Monday night. Mondays are awful at work, and made worse with a holiday–all the warehouses are backed up and my job turns into escalated customer de-escalation. No fun. Headache!

    Plus we’ve had tons of rain here in the high desert(unusual) so there is humidity–in Wyoming! It’s just not right. We are supposed to be bone dry. Went to bed with allergy meds at 9 pm!

  5. Glynis Smy Avatar

    Hope you feel much better soon!
    What have you done to me Holly?????
    I had written 500 of my WiP, but my cell was on overactive mode. A snippet of an idea came from my mentor friend and your voice whispered “write the damn thing”. I ended up writing 1,000+ words of an idea for a second book!
    I now have to organise my life to become a full-time writer ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah no more dusting…oh, yes I know I didn’t bother anyway. LOL

  6. Brent B. Avatar
    Brent B.

    Don’t eat any more! How will we get on if anything should happen to you?

    P.S. Can you send me a recipe for hammered rat on toast? Sounds yummy.

    1. Holly Avatar

      1 Rat, alive and kicking.
      1 Hammer.
      2 Slices Bread—white, wheat, or fancy.
      1 Toaster.

      Hammer rat. Toast bread.

      You’re there.

      1. Anambika Avatar

        oooooaaaaa! Thank god, My room has an attached toilet.

  7. Eve Avatar

    Much juggling and fussing of scenes today, and the addition of one small one: 585 words.

  8. Mike P. Avatar
    Mike P.

    836 words today. Thanks for the challenge Holly. I haven’t been this productive in ages.

    1. Holly Avatar


  9. Clare K. R. Miller Avatar

    I hope you feel better soon, Holly! That does give me quite a vivid mental image…

    544 words today.

  10. Elise Avatar

    So sorry you’re not feeling well. Hope you’re better soon.
    I’ve managed 427 words since I got home from work and really do not want to write the next scene. It’s boring me to think about it, which means it shouldn’t be in the book. So I’m going to get some dinner, do some chores, then see if the light goes on with how to fix this.

  11. Sylvielisea Avatar

    1103 words today! My story is starting to pick up a little bit. So I have a total of 1896 ๐Ÿ™‚
    Get well soon Holly!

  12. cyndi Avatar

    I hope you feel better soon Holly. This is my first day writing and I have 720 words! BTW, I think your Write a Book With Me challenge is a genius idea.

  13. Don Avatar

    Hammered rat on toast, sounds yummy! If it makes you feal any better I started with 7804 ended with 8884.
    It’s starting a dawn on some folks the Banold my have a base on Earth. 1080 words I used to use page count I like this better. Get better soon.

  14. Kait Nolan Avatar

    Well today was an epic fail. I had hoped for 500 words and a revision of a scene that’s been giving me trouble. I wound up with a grand total of 4. Got totally slammed at the evil day job and just stalled out on the scene. BUT, on the up side, I figured out what was wrong with the scene, and I’ve blocked out how it needs to go. So I think tomorrow will go better.

    1. Holly Avatar

      There are no fails. You got four words, and even if you got zero, you still figured out something you needed to know about the scene.

      Okay. There’s one way to fail. You fail if you just give up. That’s it.

      Hang in.

  15. Talina Avatar

    Take care and get better Holly.

  16. Sylvia Avatar

    Hah, know exactly what you mean, Holly. I have a mulberry tree in my backyard. They did well this year, looked so good, unlike in years past, but the birds do enjoy them. So while walking my dog a month or so ago, I ate about a handful of the mulberries. BIG mistake. I never have indigestion or pain in the abdomen. I sure did then for just about a week. Hope your precipitating ‘whatever’ goes away much, much sooner.

  17. Mike P. Avatar
    Mike P.

    Take it easy and feel better soon.

  18. Anambika Avatar

    Hi Holly,
    Is it so bad? I thought that it was a little stomach upset? a glutton like me, gets these things always, and I had survived to give this testemony. So nothing to worry ma’am. Give a mini-holiday to your endograinder, and in no time you will feel jolly. holly, get well soon.

  19. Kathryn Avatar

    Hope you feel better soon, Holly. I have just started to write my book today, and managed about 500 words. I hope you and your stomach settle your little difference of opinion without too much unpleasantness.

  20. Ieva Avatar

    Take care, Holly and get rid of everything that hates you ๐Ÿ˜‰

    (the good ol’ active charcoal or whatever you call it in the states usually works for me)

  21. Red_dot Avatar

    Lost a friend last week to a drunk driver(Which is my worst fear for my children and grandchild). This death has shaken me to the core of my faith in religion and in my faith in health and science. I am no stranger to loss, both parents have been gone for years. I tried to write this morning like I have been, but nothing comes out now. Reading what I have so far and trying again tomorrow. Hope you feel better.

    1. Sarah Collins Avatar

      I am so, so sorry for your loss! Sending hugs and prayers your way for everyone involved.

    2. Holly Avatar

      Huge hugs. I’m so sorry for your loss. And give yourself time to grieve. The words will be there when you’re ready for them again.

  22. Raydeen Graffam Avatar

    Take care.. get well soooooon..

  23. John Avatar

    I’m sorry you’re ill, hope you get better soon!

    Actually, this might make you feel better; I’ve just started reading your book ‘How to find your writing discipline’ and it has already amazed me! In the first 20 minutes I discovered some really surprising things about myself and the reasons why I write at all, and I’ve just finished reading the ‘Day One – Time As You Now Spend It’ and I’ve realised that I do waste most of my time! I’m going to try the exercise tomorrow and see what the results are (I’m sure they can’t be good!). Thank you for writing it! It’s already helped me and I’m sure it’s going to help me much more! ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Minze Avatar

    …and so do I.

  25. Ann Avatar

    Hope you’re feeling better soon, Holly

  26. Lisa Stapp Avatar
    Lisa Stapp

    Rest well and take care of yourself! Feel better soon.

  27. Nancy Avatar

    Feel better soon! Maybe try a pro-biotic?

  28. Julie Avatar

    I hope you feel better soon Holly xx

  29. The Pencil Neck Avatar
    The Pencil Neck

    Feel better, Holly!

  30. Anambika Avatar

    Hi Holly, You are going to crawl back into bed, But I am about to crawl under mine: Everything sucks! – visit and read a sample of my writing, plz, (ignore Rus’ words once, for my sake, plz, a big PLZ) boost, or roast me, But I need your comment on my writing.

  31. Cora Zane Avatar

    Hope you feel better soon!

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