Long-distance runners (and a whole bunch of of other folks who do long-term intensive things) talk about hitting the wall. I’ve done it with novels.
Yesterday, I hit the “build a better website and get everyone and all their stuff into class” wall.
Big wall. Very hard. I spent most of the day horizontal with the Nightmare Migraine. Read a little, played a little Terraria on my laptop, (yay, Halloween version).
Work, though? Not so much.
I realized that I could not remember the last day I had off. (Didn’t even take off on my BIL’s wedding, which we attended. I worked on the site in the morning.)
Funny thing is, I took a day off, and the world did not come to an end.
And I got a chance to do the two things I really needed: Rest, and think.
I realized that:
- The new HowToThinkSideways.com site is live.
- It mostly works.
- The parts that do not work are things like buy-now links in the Flash Fiction classroom that are broken, and the missing BIG COURSE student discount shop. These are fixable, and they’re on my list…
- BUT they do not get to preempt my writing.
- I will do them as I can get to them, AFTER I have written.
So today I came back, and for the first time in a little under a year, I cleaned off my desk.
There was significant shredding. (Matt got me a shredder for my birthday. I’ve always wanted one.)
(Have I ever mentioned my thing for office supplies and office equipment?)
I’m going to do the HELP DESK stuff today, but nothing on the site. Instead,
I’m going to lay out my plan for finishing up the last part of CREATE A WORLD CLINIC.
Yes. I’m getting back to writing.
Tomorrow is the kid’s birthday. I’m taking the afternoon off. Saturday and Sunday, I am going to be gone, gone, gone. I may stretch out on the couch and knit. I may do a little playing around with my world-geek demos for WORLD CLINIC. But if it isn’t play, I’m not doing it.
Monday I’m back to writing CREATE A WORLD CLINIC in the morning.
With this is mind, if you have any burning questions about:
- HOW to build worlds,
- WHY you must build worlds for your fiction to work (and here I’m talking directly to every romance, suspense, mystery, and and other non-SF/fantasy writer out there)
- When you build worlds,
- Or any other worldbuilding-related question…
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