
Tore apart the existing stuff — a word-length and conflict analysis turned up some interesting problems.

  • The hero and heroine spend too much time apart in the opening eight chapters.
  • The killer is present too much, and connection to heroes revealed too soon
  • The 800-word scene where Phoebe goes home and goes to bed needs to die
  • The terrain gets claustrophobic too fast (but I already knew that)
  • My best scenes are long and deep — if I use them as my model, I need to plan for a lot less scenes or I’m going to be writing the longest book since Hubbard’s monster.

I’ve done my stuff for today — I really feel I’ve covered a lot of ground and gotten a much better hold on the story, found conflicts I needed, and located problem areas I need to address.

So I’m done for the night. Time to go have a little fun.

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