Okay, first let me state the rules. This is a NO FLAMES DISCUSSION. If you post a personal attack against anyone talking here, I’ll delete your post.
Second, this is a THINK BEFORE LEAPING DISCUSSION. I want to know your opinion of Digital Rights Management, how you use digital products, whether you are a producer of content or a consumer of content, or both, and why you think what you think.
I need to know what you think because I am at this moment struggling with the internal debate over releasing the twenty-nine How To Think Sideways lessons in DRM-free versus DRM formats.
And please let me note right now that “If you put DRM on it, people are just going to steal it anyway” is not an acceptable argument. An analogous argument to that is, “If you lock your door, people are just going to break into your house and kill you anyway.”
My current position is that deterrence has value. I am willing to be convinced that DRM-free is a better way to present my work, but you have to have good, compelling reasons.
I listen to what you say.
I reversed myself on not selling anything from my own site when I discovered that a lot of foreign writers would no longer be able to get my writing courses. (I won’t use Smashwords, which I consider an unprofessional market, which was my other alternative for foreign readers.)
So here is my four-part question:
- What is your opinion of Digital Rights Management (DRM)?
- How do you use digital (text) products you purchase?
- Do you produce content to sell, or do you purchase content to consume, or do you do both? Please offer some details on this.
- Why have you taken the stance you have on Digital Rights Management?
Please answer all four parts.
Comments as you’re postingWe’re up to comment 24 as I write this, and this is what I’ve discovered so far that is news to me.
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