What a week. Earlier, the kitchen sink started spouting water, so we were doing dishes in the bathroom sink.
Then the water heater died. Matt found a plumber, who will be coming out today, but since Monday, I’ve been refreshing my unused-but-never-forgotten camping skills, and have been doing a daily bath using one cup of bottled water.
Yeah, it can be done.
Yeah, you can get clean.
No, it is NOT as wonderful as a nice shower with hot water. And washing your hair in the other cup of water from the bottle isn’t fun, and does not give great results.
Good news, though… the plumber is coming today.
Meanwhile, I got ready to print out all four remaining manuscripts for a single five-novel one-pass revision. (Book One is already revised, but I do have to read through it and take notes on important elements that need to be consistent from book to book.)
However, I accidentally printed #5 first, and used up the last of my in-place HP printer cartridge doing that.
No problem, though. I’d bought a well-reviewed refurb cartridge off Amazon.
Except the product turned out to be A) a counterfeit cartridge for which B) people giving it 5-star reviews could prove they’d purchased it in order to get a $30 kickback from the company (information was in the box). I shredded the kickback offer. (wish I hadn’t now) — I would have added photos of the get-your-kick-back paperwork to my one-star review.
Meanwhile, the printer identified it as counterfeit, and would not use it.
Because I bought it months ago so I’d have it ready to go for the five novels, I couldn’t return it.
So yesterday, we went to the BIG BOX (name withheld ‘cause I’m betting this next thing isn’t their fault) local office supply company, got their brand refill cartridge for $110, and got THIS warning message…
So I didn’t use it. I just put it back in the box, and am hoping that the place from which I bought it will take it back. We paid $110 for it yesterday. I have NO pages to show for that money spent.
Now I’m just going to wait for the plumber to get here.
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