As I head into the climax of the novel, I’m already starting to figure out issues I need to address in the revision.
I’ve limited myself in HAWKSPAR to two viewpoints, one first person and one third person, and I don’t want to change that. However, there are so many things going on in the book that are important and that are, at the moment, offstage, and I need to find some way to bring them onstage.
I need to deal more effectively with my main character’s blindness through the latter two-thirds of the book; I need much more sensory input, and ways to clearly define the huge changes in regions and locales she experiences.
I need to cut the cast of secondary characters way down, and increase the importance of each of those that remains.
I need more dialogue.
And more things. Lots more things.
Today’s schedule is pretty intense.
Start count on HAWKSPAR is 161,684 words. Goal: 164,899 or better.
Second goal. First 1/3rd of rewrite of the Onyx proposal — about seven pages of heavy revision.
Starting now.
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