I’ve put all three Clinic books on sale from today through Friday, each one $2.00 off.
Why? For karma. I’m struggling on the Ruby Key revisions, and the last time I put books on sale, the bad karma cleared. The line-for-scene is crawling, and most of the cards so far are red or orange. Not good. My stress level is rising, my confidence is falling.
I’d had some serious, bad stuff going on for a while the last time I put books on sale (also for karma), and everything got better. It may be New-Agey, it may seem crackpot. No matter. It worked last time, so I’m trying it again.
Also put Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood on sale for a flat $3.00 (57% off). It’s not a clinic, but….
Anyway, I hope the discounts are a good thing for some of you, and provide good content and a useful service.
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