CC2 Pro — Campaign Cartographer 2 Pro, the program I have been trying without success to run on my WinCrap XP setup, is finally up and running correctly. But not on WinCrap XP.
I have it going on my Mac, using Virtual PC and Windows 98 SE. It works perfectly, now I’ll be able to do the maps I need for Talyn, and XP only cost me a couple of months in time I didn’t have.
I don’t fault for it not working on my machine. They did yeoman work to create a patch to fix it, and I’m sure on most machines it works. It doesn’t on mine, but that isn’t because they didn’t move Heaven and Earth trying to get it to.
If you’re running 98 SE, or have Virtual PC and 98 SE on your Mac, I highly recommend CC2 Pro as your mapmaking software. If you have 2000 or XP, you may be in for rough weather — but if you can get it going, it’s worth it.
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