Category: Workshops

  • First the time, then the weather. THEN the words.

    First the time, then the weather. THEN the words.

    THE TIME This morning, I dreamed a digital clock, which showed me 7:31. I woke up. Immediately checked the time. It was actually 7:41. My brain is ten minutes slow…dammit. Anybody still have your copy of The Brand New Human’s User Manual? If you do, could you give me the steps for resetting my brain clock?…

  • The Summer of Fiction Writing EVENT at

    The Summer of Fiction Writing EVENT at

    To help writers beat the summer doldrums, I’m going to be hosting a Summer of Fiction Writing event on (HWC). During this three-month writing party, (June 1st – August 31st) folks in the free HCW writers’ community: Will focus on helping newer writers create smaller start-to-finish projects written in the months of June, July,…

  • Why I shut down my Patreon fundraiser

    Why I shut down my Patreon fundraiser

    I’d intended to send a Questions & Answers email to my How to Write a Novel launch list, but that’s going to have to wait.Instead, I did THIS. Closed my “Move out of Florida while writing fiction” fundraiser. Here’s why — it’s this clause in the Patreon Legal Agreement By posting content to Patreon you grant us a…

  • Rediscovered Worldbuilding Workshop: Holidays in Hell and Other Delights

    Rediscovered Worldbuilding Workshop: Holidays in Hell and Other Delights

    I was doing a BIG search on my hard drive for something I’d previously written about Tangerine, who was a minor character in Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood  who became a major character in the current novel, The Wishbone Conspiracy (for which as I blog this, I have not yet gotten my full complement of words for the…

  • Site updates to reflect what I’m doing as a writer

    Site updates to reflect what I’m doing as a writer

    I’m doing some rearranging of the site. I’ll be adding links to what I’m creating. Aside from semi-regular posts in the blog and the occasional new writing article or fiction snippet, I’ve been running the blog along for years without doing much with it. But here’s the thing: I’m back to writing new fiction every…

  • Video & Podcast Test: How To Write Suckitudinous Fiction

    I chose one of my funnier articles on writing fiction and turned it into both a video and a podcast. I’m testing new software that I hope to use for a number of different applications, including workshops, and I’d like to know how these two formats work for you. VIDEO TEST: AUDIO TEST YOUTUBE LINK:…

  • LAST CALL — Free live writing chat today, with a little writing workshop thrown in

    I’ve set up today’s writing chat so I should be able to answer some live questions along with the ones asked previously. IF YOU HAVE WRITING QUESTIONS… Today’s topics are: Story Planning (Plotting) Character Development Writing from Different Points of View What About Genre Writer Myths AND Writing Myths Revision and Editing (Are NOT Synonyms) And I…

  • Content for the 5 Free Live Writing Chats

    I now have the 5 Free Live Writing Chats set up in my calendar, and have each chat broken out according to content. This way, if you have specific questions, you can plan accordingly. You can use this link to join the chat series at any time. (Link opens in new tab) You’ll receive notifications…

  • This is the price for a Short Courses Community membership.

    I’ll offer two ways to pay: PAYMENT PLAN PRICE: The price for a SHORT COURSES Membership is going to be $5 a month for six months. After the final payment, the student becomes a lifetime member at the SHORT COURSES level. At any point during the six months in which payments are being made, the…

  • What Would You Recommend About Joining the Writers’ Boot Camp Community?

    Since my last birthday, when I decided I was going back to writing full time, Margaret and I have been working on a way for folks who haven’t taken How to Think Sideways, How to Revise Your Novel, or How to Write A Series to join my private writers’ community. Professional Plot Outline is coming…