Category: Workshops
The Secret Writing Class is finished… except for bonus course…
Yesterday I finished the final lesson on the new writing course. So I’m taking today off, and relaxing. I’ll be thinking about the bonus course. I have several ideas, and I’ll be digging through the forum for additional ideas. I have a specific topic — Big Course… Bonus Brainstorming — and if you’re a…
NEW SECRET BIG COURSE: Lesson 15 is Started. And finished.
Sat down. Wrote. I knew what I wanted, I knew what I needed… And I love it when a plan comes together. Damn! Granted, I’m out of bed at 6 AM, and hauling ass for five straight hours on just this one thing, so this project is NOT coming together out of magic and fairy…
Secret Course Lesson 13 now done, worksheet has to wait until tomorrow
This particular lesson was tougher to break down into pieces — so it took me from 6 AM until just now just to lay out the lesson, and then write it out. So now I have to stop, but I’ll come back in tomorrow, and do a read-through, and from that, figure out some ways…
Another fine writing day being mean to my characters
I’m now more than a third of the way through the draft, and I’m right on target with both the word count and the story. The line-for-scene outline holds. The plot is tight, the action is tense, and I had a hard time stopping, because while I know GENERALLY what happens next, I won’t know…
Writer-Related Stuff… The Thursday List, and why it’s on hold.
I was building a really nice writing-tips email list for my writers. Every Thursday, (or mostly every Thursday), I was creating one new writing tip, answering a writer’s question, demonstrating a quick version of some technique I’ve found helpful… And then the class software died. Hard. And we spent six months installing new software,…
Still building the website… Asking for help from HTTS students…
Most of the classes are built, but there’s this series of “Quick-Fix” bonuses I was building for How to Think Sideways before the site software broke (and then hurricane… and hurricane… and then we moved, and my programmer moved on, and I got kind of buried in stuff)… …that I’m having a helluva time finding.…
6:47 AM – Finishing Ohio 4, starting Ohio 5, while building the new site
SO… My website over on is undergoing a massive overhaul (complete site rebuild). And I anticipated the process taking FOUR months. Turns out… it’s probably not anything like that. My amazing community moderators over there have already finished building all the classrooms in the new software, and getting all the class materials into them…
Getting ready to start the Line-For-Scene Outline of Ohio 4
In the little image above, you can see the blue-outlined box with OH-3 CUR1stD in the middle. Below it, a gray box with a blue text icon and Ohio #1-4. Enigmatic, maybe, and not very informative. Until you see them in context and understand what a big deal this is. If you’re a non-nerd reader…
Great Ohio words (1264) and Summer of Writing Fiction 2021 goes live today! SOFW DAY 1
Last week, the story hit some pretty rocky shoals, and I had to do a lot of backing and filling. Today… none of that. The backing and filling left me in a really good spot, and I found my characters and the conflict today the second I sat down, did a scene that started in…
The past visits my main character’s present, and she meets a piece of her father. 1297 words, 15,501 total
I’m still ahead of my target completion date for finishing the first draft, though I’m only gaining ground in little bites. Little bites, though, are repeatable — and a lot more fun than running up against “to hit my deadline, today I have to write 10,000 words.” I’ve done that before. It’s an exercise in…