Category: Short Fiction

  • Winners of the First How To Think Sideways Anthology Contest #fiction #writing

    My fabulous How To Think Sideways Boot Camp moderators came up with the following wonderful idea, here quoted from Katharina Gerlach’s post on the forum: I have been thinking about an anthology with the best stories from Holly’s students for a while. Now, I contacted Holly and she agrees that this is a good idea.…

  • The Ghost Story, WABWM, and TALYSMANA

    I finished my ghost story. Title? >>>–4EVR—> The title means a lot. I got it to Trisha Telep in time, heard back that I’d made the deadline—and we are NOT going to talk about the morning-to-next-morning hours I worked for several days getting that revision done. What was supposed to have been a 6500-word story…

  • FInished My Ghost Story

    1399 words, and my ghost story, The Other Chance,; is done. The story in first draft runs 7641 words. I always add some words in second draft, because my first drafts run lean. I like my ending, I like the twist I got, and I definitely did not see the last bit going the way…

  • 1711 words, and another story revamp

    Blasted through the fourth scene today, and in it managed to do everything I’d planned for that scene, plus enough of what I planned for the next one that I think the story will wrap up with scene five. I currently have 6242 words total. Damn close to my minimum word count. I know I…

  • A Story In Pictures

    Today is my day off. Back-to-back-to-back 70+ hour weeks getting the HTTS Walkthrough ready, working with Margaret on the setup… I was pretty ragged. But I woke up late today, and knew where the next part of my ghost story had to go. And I got 1832 words, and a complete scene plus change,…

  • 696 words, and CRAZY week

    I’ve written thousands of words this week, and designed web pages, and installed software, and built forms and site foundations. But tonight, I made time to work on my ghost story again, and got 696 words. The story flowed, I got a nice twist to end the scene, and a heart carved into a tree…

  • 1001 Words, and a Ghost

    Write A Book With Me is back. I’ll move back over to Talysmana and start doing words on that at night again, but Tricia Telep asked me for a ghost story to go into her next collection (I’ve previously written for The Mammoth Book Of Paranormal Romance and The Mammoth Book of Time-Travel Romance for…

  • WABWM — Jace and the Job

    More words on HELP WANTED tonight. Again, I’ve not been able to work on this regularly. Because of the headaches, I’m at a creative low ebb…but tonight I got 554 words in a bit over 30 minutes, and this through the headache. I figured out how Jace’s job works, which is a big deal, because…

  • Jace, Quin, and the Baseball Bat

    My main character, Jace, has developed a Type A personality. Quin, ostensibly her butler, has the same Type A personality. She’s American, he’s British, and neither of them sees eye to eye on much of anything. Each of them is determined to get the other to work the way they think work should be done.…

  • The butler did it

    531 words tonight, a few more earlier in the week. Jace has now met Quin, the butler. Butlers in space. Who’d’a thunk? Anyway. There was writing, I got words, and if I seem to me to be drifting a bit off track, I am acknowledging that this is first draft, and first draft always sucks…