Category: Professionalism
Desktop Curtain, from Many Tricks: My single favorite Mac app
Big fan that I am of GSD (getting shit done), I’ve found things over the years that have made GSD easier. The screenshots below are Before and After on a TINY section of my very large desktop this morning. The white bar on the left isn’t neatness. It’s Scrivener below a 30-word PACTS Sentence that…
Wow! WOW! A character gamble and last week’s wandering PAID OFF!
I was LOST. Gut said to shut up and keep going. And I spent a lot of time today fiddling with the outline, and trying to understand what the stuff I wrote last week meant… And then, HOLY CRAP!!! Someone I never expected showed up at my MC’s door, and was the person who gave…
A pre-writing post: After Monsterity, 1357 words that no longer fit Book 3
At least, they don’t fit in the way I need them to. I have the pieces of the story that I need in them, but writing on which I spent 8022 words, four scenes, and two chapters needs to be small and tight and avoid (in this book, at least) — one scene, not four…
Brutal writing day. NET GAIN of 769 words, but to even get into a positive word count was a damn battle
Okay. I knew the fight scene was going to get messy. I knew getting my MC home was going to be tricky. Some of what I wrote yesterday was really good, and it put my character in exactly the right sort of danger. Some of it wandered off into the weeds and got lost, and…
Today is brought to you by math…
This isn’t the way I want to spend a Friday, but I cannot ignore the fact that I have to sort all my receipts, mark every single item that is deductible, gather up all the papers, pack them up, and get the box to my accountant. Even really shitty years produce a stack of paperwork,…
HUGE story win: Price? 2000+ words words cut today, net gain of 670 today, and 3267 to delete tomorrow…
Today went really well from the story perspective. From the wordcount perspective, not so much. I deleted a ton of words back in chapter six, wrote a ton of new words in that chapter, and came up with a net gain of 670 words. Tomorrow is going to be tougher, because tomorrow I’m going to…
The Ohio Novel #1 Is Done! (Or what it’s like to disappear into a black box)
I wrapped up my final draft yesterday. In spite of best efforts, I came in over my 90,000K wordcount by about 12,000 words. I don’t have a title for the novel yet (Matt comes up with my best titles, and I’m really hoping he can pull out something amazing, both for the first book and…
The Wishbone Conspiracy: 2027 words, and a Change in the 3-Novels Experiment
Got pretty decent words today on The Wishbone Conspiracy. 2027 new words, taking me to a total of 23,873 words in the novel. I mostly like what I got, though I had a bit of a hard start. And that’s what I want to talk about today. The “Write on three different novels each week” experiment…