Category: podcast
Way in the woods and the weeds… and enjoying myself: 1323 words and 57,419 total
I am by preference an outliner, not a pantser. By preference I have a map for the novel I’m writing, and while I make take a small side road on the map rather than the freeway, in general I don’t abandon the damn car and go hiking through the woods and the weeds with nothing…
Streamlining During Chaos: Fiction? YES.
Nothing is yet cast in stone… but in about a week the full force of this particular Chaos Storm is going to hit. The Current ChaosTM is pretty close to becoming the Big Right On Top Of Me Chaos — a state that could last from a best case of one month to a worst…
Podcast Technical Difficulties
Becca was out of town, a raw cut of just her talking got uploaded instead of the edited episode, so she’s working on getting what was to have been today’s episode corrected. The broken one has already been pulled down. HOWEVER… (yeah, there’s always one of those), this being the holiday season, lots more people…