Category: Philosophy
‘Twas a fine day in writing land… with vengeance…
You know how you have heroes who you watch take a beating from the world, and get trampled by minions who’ve taken over something they’ve created? And you watch the over-throwing bastards who trample them ruin all the good stuff they made, and make a complete mess of this wonderful thing they put into the…
Ohio 3: A thing about family – the VERY good writing day
Today was a tough writing day — not because of getting the words, but because the words are about things that hit me hard. Family, and what that world could mean, and should mean, and also what it sometimes doesn’t. This chapter is deep inside the magic of the world… and the conflict there comes…
Mwah-ha-ha-ha-HA! Evil is afoot, and fun is right on its tail!
Boy, today did not go where I thought it would. Not at ALL. In the back of my mind, I had this fun little scene planned, and when I popped out of the shower, I knew pretty much where I was going to start. And I did start there — but absolutely none of the…
Sun Tzu and the Art of Cookies…
I stepped into a scene this morning where I was expecting to be goofy and funny, and instead, I found Sun Tzu waiting for me. My relationship with Sun Tzu is a long-standing one. I met him when I was twenty-seven, when my first husband told me that if I divorced him, it was going…
Ohio 5: Grandma’s Secret and some pasts remembered – 685 words, 9191 total
Turns out my MC’s late and much-lamented grandmother had a secret she was keeping from those nearest and dearest to her. This secret might explain a scene in the very first book. The grandmother’s personality, by the way, is spun off of my maternal great-grandmother, who lived to be almost 103, and who was a…
Book 5 outline done — and my application of Creative Destruction.
So I have all thirty scenes for Book 5. I love what I got. It’s solid, it holds together, it brings in essential pieces from the first four novels and uses stuff I hid throughout the first three (and in-progress fourth) stories to tie things up in a fashion I think is really cool. It’s…