Category: Ohio
Seven. But close to done.
At the moment, I don’t have much more to say than that. If I can get this last hill of shit shoveled, I will then be able to get some actual words today. If I get to my fiction before I run out of working hours, I’ll be starting at 34,298 words, with a writing…
Restarting Fiction Progress Updates
To say that I’ve been absolutely shitty about keeping up with the blog would be too kind by half. I’ve been in Ohio now for a year and three months, more or less, and have written six posts since getting here. One of them was about my fiction progress. There have been some things that…
The Ohio Novel #1 Is Done! (Or what it’s like to disappear into a black box)
I wrapped up my final draft yesterday. In spite of best efforts, I came in over my 90,000K wordcount by about 12,000 words. I don’t have a title for the novel yet (Matt comes up with my best titles, and I’m really hoping he can pull out something amazing, both for the first book and…
Still kicking, still writing
So Ohio Novel #1 is pushing hard toward completion — or rather, I’m pushing hard and it’s fighting me all the way to the finish line. As I’ve discussed on the Alone In a Room with Invisible People podcast, having this book done doesn’t mean there’s going to be a new book. Not soon, anyway.…
The New Year, My Ohio Series and the Hero’s Journey
The Crash The new year is just an arbitrary date — not a real thing, not something that can change your life. If you’re in a Western European-derived country, then you use the Western calendar. In which Pope Gregory XIII built a new calendar to update the Julian calendar (which had an issue with equinoxes),…
First snow in 30 years, and huge strides on the Dead Man’s Party revision
We knew yesterday there would be snow today. I made Matt promise to get me up when it started — and around 4AM, the snow began. (He was editing someone’s novel at the time, and he does that best when the house is quiet and he has it to himself.) So he came and got…
So now I’m 59
I turned 59 yesterday. As you get older, your birthday goes from being the high point of your year to something you give a wary sidelong glance as it whips by. You back away a little. Birthdays start reminding you of all the people who aren’t around anymore to celebrate them with you — grandparents…
Home in Ohio — We made it.
The last time I posted, we were in the middle of hanging hurricane shutters with Hurricane Dorian on its way in. Since then, we: Bought a house in Ohio Sold our place in South Florida Packed our stuff into a Pod (BIG shout-out to the folks at, who totally kicked ass from beginning to…