Category: Marketing

  • The Write Stuff 2022 Story Bundle… and me!

    The Write Stuff 2022 Story Bundle… and me!

    This year I was invited for into a StoryBundle for the first time… and I accepted the invitation because the bundle includes not just a bunch of really good writers of both fiction and nonfiction, but two of my genuine writing heroes — Lawrence Block, whose Telling Lies for Fun and Profit helped me teach myself…

  • The Ohio Novel #1 Is Done! (Or what it’s like to disappear into a black box)

    The Ohio Novel #1 Is Done! (Or what it’s like to disappear into a black box)

    I wrapped up my final draft yesterday. In spite of best efforts, I came in over my 90,000K wordcount by about 12,000 words. I don’t have a title for the novel yet (Matt comes up with my best titles, and I’m really hoping he can pull out something amazing, both for the first book and…

  • Marketing Tuesday: Not so much, because the HTWAN BONUS is still not done…

    Marketing Tuesday: Not so much, because the HTWAN BONUS is still not done…

    Marketing Tuesday got pre-empted by my need to finish the HTWAN Student-Voted Bonus, Interweaving Multiple Story Threads in Big, Complex Novels. Which still isn’t done. Today’s image is a screenshot of one of the pages showing the technique for building and then using the threads in a complex novel. At the speed this is going,…

  • The Ohio Series: Taking the measure of a novel

    The Ohio Series: Taking the measure of a novel

    Yesterday was Marketing Day, and I got the first half of the 4th edition of Create a Plot Clinic finished. Next week if all goes well I’ll finish and do a new cover, and take that class live and wide. Today, I worked for several hours, and got 1010 words of the 2000 I’d planned.…

  • Why I shut down my Patreon fundraiser

    Why I shut down my Patreon fundraiser

    I’d intended to send a Questions & Answers email to my How to Write a Novel launch list, but that’s going to have to wait.Instead, I did THIS. Closed my “Move out of Florida while writing fiction” fundraiser. Here’s why — it’s this clause in the Patreon Legal Agreement By posting content to Patreon you grant us a…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: A Fine Friday

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: A Fine Friday

    Spiffy, spiffy day today, though kind of horrifying, too. I followed Cady’s situation to its logical conclusion, and she’s literally up to her neck in one of those moments I would have previously identifyed as “bad,” but which some of my readers have told me counts as horror. Well, folks who have read and liked Hunting…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: 2027 words, and a Change in the 3-Novels Experiment

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: 2027 words, and a Change in the 3-Novels Experiment

    Got pretty decent words today on The Wishbone Conspiracy. 2027 new words, taking me to a total of 23,873 words in the novel. I mostly like what I got, though I had a bit of a hard start. And that’s what I want to talk about today. The “Write on three different novels each week” experiment…

  • The Pointy Marketing End of Writing Fiction: Old Dog, New Trick

    The Pointy Marketing End of Writing Fiction: Old Dog, New Trick

    No big secret that I’m working hard on making my fiction a full-time paying gig again — my objective is to earn 50% of my income from fiction, with the other 50% coming from my writing classes. Fiction has been shoved over in a corner for years, because, well — writing good nonfiction is about…