Category: How to Write a Novel
Today was BIG… good words, but also landed a huge PIVOT scene
And made myself cry. That might not seem like a big deal. But this was a crucial scene in the book in which my MC has just come through an massive ordeal, and found one moment in time in which she got to say goodbye to her person in the world — the one who’d…
Heading in — teeth bared, knives out… because the BIG bad is coming
Rolled out of bed early — couldn’t sleep. Got the shower, drank the coffee, and cleared all the office shit first, because today I’m heading in to the BIG MIDDLE SCENE, where everything changes. I’m taking a deep breath. I have the Rock Gods going, because this section of the book needs my full focus…
Today was a heavy, brutal rip-through… but I like what I got in the end
I hit a part of the novel today that I got way, way wrong in first draft. And while I’d estimate that in FACT I wrote close to 2000 words — over a period of three straight hours of hauling ass — what I was left with after ripping out that big first-draft nosedive into…
Got ALL of Chapter 7 today — 4080 words, and JOY! (And a total count of 43,265)
Today’s writing turned into what’s mostly a dark, mean chapter — there’s a lot of bad stuff going on for my MC and someone really important to her. Except for this one luminous, beautiful moment that made come together and just really sing. This was one of the chapters I got very close to right…
Good OHIO 3 words, a new neighbor, a weird twist… and DANGER — 1233 words, 34,447 total
I cannot believe how fast this scene came together — and this wasn’t even anything I pulled out of the first draft. This was all new, all scary, and creepy in a way that I didn’t manage in the first run through this book. I didn’t see it coming… but I cannot wait to get…
Today was a plotting day…
I got 391 new words, but I also had to figure out the logistics of the problem into which I’ve thrown my hero — and she’s really, really unhappy with me now. I’m pretty damn happy with myself now. Today was a Mean Girl™ day, in which, for the good of the story, I did…
It’s been a good writing week… but today was EPIC — 4220 words, and a major plot twist
When your fingers are moving so fast you can’t quite keep up with them, because you cannot wait to see what’s going to happen next, that could be described as a GREAT writing day. That was today. And holy crap, I love what I got. I was MEAN today. Bad things happened to a character…
OHIO 3-More of the giddy WHEE… on target, with good words, NICE twist
I love what I got today. I did mean things to characters I love, and one of them is in SUCH big trouble. I know the broad issue, but have no clue what the details are… but I’ll get to investigate the details tomorrow. But now, on to chores, and Real Life(TM)!
A RIDICULOUSLY good Friday — 3927 words, 24,247 total — and wicked joy
After my main character got to experience the deep joy of finding a true friend yesterday (my time, not hers)… she is now facing the potential of horrible loss. So I’m sitting here after getting a good run of words that led to a cliffhanger, a I’m a bit teary-eyed over what’s just happened (YES,…