Happy dance… Got good words in a mean scene
Today was about big, bad things coming at my MC… and about her knowing they were coming, and getting ready to walk out to face them unarmed to save a dear friend… And about how being someone who shows up when others need help can sometimes pay off when YOU need help… And it went…
Today, 1983 words and a scene WAY out of order… (and yesterday…)
Ran out of time to blog yesterday — so this is going to have to cover both days. I got 912 words yesterday, and did some more worldbuilding. It was an important day because I figured out the big element in an upcoming scene — And TODAY wrote that great scene, forgetting that it was…
“No plan survives first contact with the enemy…”
Or second contact… Or third… The quote may come from Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, or Carl von Clausewitz, or Dwight D. Eisenhower… or just some dude who knew shit. But it’s true — and it isn’t just true about war. It’s true about any sort of creation that requires spontaneous adaptation to unknowable but…
That RIGHT left turn in Albuquerque
First, the word count. On Ohio 4 today, I got 1264 new words (out of my planned 1250…), and on Book 4, I now have 18,426 total. This was, overall, an excellent writing day, in which stuff happened that I was not anticipating that was way better than the stuff I’d planned. My characters were…
One more writing day left on Ohio Book 3 — 1552 words today, and 88,306 words total
I am very pleased to report that the rethink on what had to happen to end Ohio Novel #3 worked. Worked like crazy. So did the revelation I had last night that I remembered to write down in my bullet journal yesterday, which was just this: “B” tells “T” to carry the walking stick. (Names disguised…