Category: Friday Snippets
DMP Revision — Friday, and I’m running long… by an estimated 30,000 words [FRIDAY SNIPPET]
I knew this would happen. The raw first draft of the novel was 50,718 words in length. I figured during my read through revision that I’d add 10,000 words (because in revision, I always end up adding words — my first drafts are thin). So I thought, Hey, I’ll shoot for 60,000, but I’ll give myself…
The Ohio Series – N1: When magic goes privately public… And a FRIDAY SNIPPET
Today’s word’s flew. And I love what I got — My cop decided that the only way she was going to be able to win the assistance of the people she needs to have help her is to tell them the truth. Followed by realizing that she CAN’T tell them the truth. It’s too impossible. All…
The Ohio Series: Novel 1 – Friday snippet (a day early) that might not make the final version
I’m going to note that the urban fantasy series I’m writing operates around the importance of trade. That it’s an old system, and that it operates across multiple dimensions. And that my protagonist is a cop, and the guy she’s working with is… difficult to get a handle on. With that set-up, this is so…
The Ohio Novel: 1541 words, and the Friday Snippet
Today started with me building the How to Write a Novel class bonus. I’m demonstrating my method for planning and then writing novels with multiple viewpoint characters and multiple conflicts. The demo uses four POV characters, and eight concurrently running plots, which probably wasn’t as complicated as the series for which I devised the technique…
The Ohio Series: Surprises and weirdness.
Yesterday was chaos, site issues over on, and constant interruption, so while I worked on the book, I didn’t hit my word goal. I did get 1391 words, which is still good. Today, though… Today was pure joy. I got 2542 words that just flew off my fingertips, and made me laugh as they…
Friday Snippet: Cady goes home again…
Here’s the short set-up. Cady has picked up a crew of talented misfits to help her stop the pending genocide of humanity by a deadly group of outsiders—and she’s started her fight to save humankind on her homeworld of Cantata, and in her home city of Meileone. Cady is currently in the company of the…
WARPAINT Snippet: Cady goes home again
Here’s the short set-up. Cady has picked up a crew of talented misfits to help her stop the genocide of humanity in progress by a deadly group of outsiders—and she’s started her fight to save humankind on her homeworld of Cantata, and in her home city of Meileone. Cady is currently in the company of…
Saturday Snippet, and My first week back to full-time fiction.
I had a blast this week—and fairly late yesterday, I realized why. It is the first week in several years where all I did was write. I did not build site infrastructure, work on website design, put together HTML for lessons, prep courses for formatting, design book covers, design lessons, test plugins, install plugins, upload…
WABWM: Official First Day, and a Snippet
I’m posting the official WABWM thread for the day. If you’re playing (or want to join—you can start any time you’re ready) the thread for the day is here. Also if you’re playing, bookmark this page: Write A Book With Me Board Go to the board every day, and post your own run on…
Friday Snippet: HTCB — An Innocent Bit of Deception
My mind twisted like a pretzel as I started working my way through the Law of Unintended Consequences while writing Cady and Badger in Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood. People were trying to kill her, her employer was overpaying her for reasons she didn’t find entirely convincing, and her built-in spy-cam had given her information that…