Category: Fantasy
I feel so sorry for my main character — but happy at the same time
I knew last week that I’d left myself in a good place for this morning — a nice revelation, something terrible suggested in the past. And as I read last week’s words before starting into today’s, everything clicked. I’ve been writing since just before 7 AM, and the words flew. I got 1487 (out of…
Figured out a spiffy twist… and got carried away: 1797 words, 50,345 total
Today was a “how are they doing it?” day with the novel, as something that has been going on since before Book One even started is revealed. And for folks who, like me, watched a LOT of Scooby-Doo as kids, I’ll note that no rubber suits were involved. This was bloody, and gory, and truly…
My MC is having some PTSD and a bit of existential horror today
Discovering what you’re capable of under extreme duress will do that to you… and she had the EXTREME duress of being mostly dead for about half an hour. During which she did some things she can’t explain… And the ICU discovered some things about her that modern medicine, the doc, and the nurses can’t explain.…
Another fine day in Word-Town — My secondary hero’s secret comes out
While my main character is female, my secondary lead is male — and today, for the first time, a big chunk of truth he happened to know about her past came out, along with some grim bits and pieces from his past. The words flew, and I discovered things I simply had not known until…
Yeah… the streak of Writer Cruelty (TM) continues
The words leapt to the page today, my fingers flew, I giggled evilly — and my delightful little town and its bizarre and unpredictable denizens took me deeper into a mess my MC hasn’t even fully wrapped her head around yet. Something big is coming. Something bad is watching. And I’m flying toward it through…
Mwha-ha-ha! Being cruel to my MC, evil to the townsfolk — and loving the result.
A 30-word scene sentence and a thirty-sentence outline leaves you an awful lot of room for figuring out what actually needs to fill each 3000-word chapter. Today’s tiny sentence turned into a scene of action, a bit of stuff I pulled out of having been a registered nurse working in both ICU and ER… Some…
Woot! Bad got worse, worse got terrible — and I got words: 1378 of 1250 planned.
I do not envy my main characters. I’ve mentioned this in the past, I will no doubt mention it again in the future… but I particularly do not envy my Ohio main character. She has World’s Worst Job, which she inherited from her grandmother, and she wasn’t quite as quiet or subdued about doing it…
Oh, today was GOOD… main character in deep soup, her dear friend in deadly danger…
First, though, the words — 1393 out of my 1250 words-per-day objective. 40,171 total. At 45,000, I’ll pass the halfway mark on Book Four. But… oh, boy. I hated having to stop for the day. There’s such incredibly bad stuff happening, and this guy my main character loves so much is in horrible trouble. I…
Happy dance… Got good words in a mean scene
Today was about big, bad things coming at my MC… and about her knowing they were coming, and getting ready to walk out to face them unarmed to save a dear friend… And about how being someone who shows up when others need help can sometimes pay off when YOU need help… And it went…
Today, 1983 words and a scene WAY out of order… (and yesterday…)
Ran out of time to blog yesterday — so this is going to have to cover both days. I got 912 words yesterday, and did some more worldbuilding. It was an important day because I figured out the big element in an upcoming scene — And TODAY wrote that great scene, forgetting that it was…