Category: Contemporary Fantasy

  • The Mystery Deepens… Ohio 4 and Important People Lying

    The Mystery Deepens… Ohio 4 and Important People Lying

    Some days, writing is like flying — it’s effortless, and exciting, and maybe a bit scary and windy, especially when the ground seems a long, long way down. But these are the days when you have to pull yourself away from the words when all you want to do is keep going. I managed to…

  • Got 1154 words today on Ohio 4

    Again, pleased with what I got. Cannot find the damn screenshot, and have to run now because we have a ton of chores today. But the world flowed, and made me happy, and got 1154 of them — and have 7936 total. Get Holly’s Free Fiction Sampler, plus Weekly-ISH Fiction Updates, and when these books…

  • So… TODAY was epic…

    So… TODAY was epic…

    Still working from my line-for-scene outline, today the scene i started yesterday just took off. I now have 9245 words done on the first draft. I got 1432 words today, AND discovered the thing I needed to see, and it was completely different than I’d been imagining… but I love it so much. Some days…

  • Good writing day. Not epic, but…

    Good writing day. Not epic, but…

    Not every day CAN be epic. I had to do something hard thinking, and some outlining, and some worldbuilding, and none of that stuff counts as words. But it’s all essential. However, the part I got, I love. So now I have to go out into the world and DO STUFF. •·.·´`·.·•·.·´`·.·•·.·´`·.·•·.·´`·.·• My daily words…

  • ‘Twas a fine day in writing land… with vengeance…

    ‘Twas a fine day in writing land… with vengeance…

    You know how you have heroes who you watch take a beating from the world, and get trampled by minions who’ve taken over something they’ve created? And you watch the over-throwing bastards who trample them ruin all the good stuff they made, and make a complete mess of this wonderful thing they put into the…

  • A very good Ohio Wednesday… and a disturbing twist

    A very good Ohio Wednesday… and a disturbing twist

    I got 1319 words today, nicely over my 1200-word objective. And I like what I got. Yesterday’s stuff was funny, but today’s words got serious as my main character and a friend of hers started investigating a project they want to take on — and my MC pointed out that there are some significant dangers…

  • Done outlining Ohio 4 — Progress and Planned Evil

    Done outlining Ohio 4 — Progress and Planned Evil

    Oh… BOY! I knew going in today that I was going to have to beat the crap out of my main character in the plotting. I did NOT know quite how badly, or how I was going to do that WHILE preventing myself from ending Ohio 4 on a cliffhanger. (Because we do not end…

  • The Other Shoe Dropped — Ohio 4 and the Friday “Say WHAT?!”

    The Other Shoe Dropped — Ohio 4 and the Friday “Say WHAT?!”

    In the first version of these novels, I had one main character who I was having do a lot of chasing around because my main character was being stubbornly stupid about an activity that was bad for her — except she refused to see it. I made her smarter. And because she stopped doing stubbornly…

  • And… YEP… Still outlining on Ohio Four

    And there’s really not a lot you can say about that. It’s one 30-word sentence per scene that has to encompass the essence of the chapter while moving the whole story forward, and it is a pretty fast, efficient way to give yourself a migraine. It works. It’s essential to my process of getting books…

  • Ohio 4… The outline is now in progress

    Not much to say about that — it’s line-for-scene outlining, and the plotting out of the whole book before leaping in to write it is essential to not wrecking the damn thing going around a hard curve. I got a bit sidetracked — writing 722 words of the intro chapter (just to get my head…