Category: Cat
The Friday Update & Weekly Sheldon
Still working on the revision of Ohio 3. It’s going well, but it’s going slowly — there’s a lot I want to change to make these stories both tighter and richer. I love what I’m getting. And I have quiet company while I get it. Sheldon is right in here with me.
The Ohio Novels: Sheldon, Because…
I’m revising. It’s a process. I’m doing back-to-back read-throughs of five novels (over 500,000 words of fiction, and then I’ll be doing the work to make them the books I want them to be). First draft is where I explore what the story can become. That’s all finished. Revision is where it becomes the story…
Wheeeeee! Words and wickedness, and great fun! 778 words, and 24,207 total
While mostly I’m working on the website, and getting ready to put all the classes back on sale for one last 10-day period at half price, followed by the return to full price, I started the morning with fiction. Because FICTION, baby! And OHIO!!! And after doing terrible awful horrible evil wicked things to her…
Of heredity and the curse and blessing of ancestors – 1264 words and 16,765 total
Today was a goooood writing day. This was a solid Monday in which I leapt into my story world, discovered a massive and necessary secret behind my main character’s origins, found my way through a fair amount of backstory while avoiding what would otherwise have been exposition, and came out the other end knowing something…
A “Happy-Holidays, Goodbye-and-Good-Riddance-to-2020” post.
I’ve done basic tasks today — email, forums, and the help desk. I think I’m not alone in considering 2020 an awful year… though I’ve had quite a few that were worse personally. But they were worse privately, without the disasters spreading much past me and mine. I got dragged to some of the more…
The Ohio Series: Novel 1 – Friday snippet (a day early) that might not make the final version
I’m going to note that the urban fantasy series I’m writing operates around the importance of trade. That it’s an old system, and that it operates across multiple dimensions. And that my protagonist is a cop, and the guy she’s working with is… difficult to get a handle on. With that set-up, this is so…