Category: The Ruby Key

  • Needed a short break

    Made my fifty pages last night, and am plugging through the next batch today at about equal pace (in other words, looks like another looooong day), and after pages and pages of my freakin’ scrawls, and with pages yet to go until I get back to lighter revisions, I needed to see type again. So…

  • Blew past the 50-pages mark

    I’m heading toward sixty pages of manuscript type-in for the day as I write this, with 4500 net new words added to the manuscript (don’t even want to consider gross new words, because I have added in pages and pages of handwritten stuff this morning and afternoon) and I’m going to keep running with this…

  • Quick breather

    I was up and writing at about 2:30 AM. Back pain woke me up, and I knew I was going to be a long time getting back to sleep. Might as well be productive, I figured, and did twenty-five manuscript pages (significantly more real pages, because one manuscript page can and often does have two…

  • Slooooooooooooow

    I hand-wrote a lot of new material on The Ruby Key. Apparently a lot more than I’d thought. I’m up a couple thousand words already, and I’ve cut pages, and I’m not that far into the type-in. Threw my back out yesterday lifting very heavy office chair over office obstacles while moving camp from the…

  • Monday morning

    I can hear faint echoes of The Mamas and the Papas singing Monday, Monday in the back of my mind. I’m tired. Really, really, really tired. The last few days, I’ve had to set a timer to remind myself to stand up and move once an hour. I hand-wrote more than twenty new pages yesterday,…

  • Midweek update

    I think sound effects would probably be the best way to start this. Maybe a groan, followed by the sound of a head thudding repeatedly on something hard. Don’t get me wrong. It’s going well. But {groan, thud, thud, thud} this is not a kinder, gentler revision. I started with the line-for-scene. Finished that on…

  • Hitting the push

    Writingwise, Thursday and Friday were no-go’s, and the weekend too. We spent all night up on Thursday watching the storm coming, getting tornado warnings, with our eyes glued to local radar on the computer. Around 3 AM, we had a couple of storm cells about twenty miles south of us that had produced circular winds…

  • Pages finished

    I’m on page 63, love what I got, brain is frazzled. So I’m going to take a short break, put together the Create A Plot cover, and come back to this when my eyes aren’t crossed and see if I can get another set of pages done. The Air Force Kid and his wife are…

  • Quick note on the rewrite

    I just now, right now, figured out why the bard with his haunted harp and the silver huntress with her blind hounds were chasing the kids. (I thought I knew all along, of course.) It’s terrific, it surprised the socks off of me, and I can’t wait to get to the scenes where I get…

  • Working since way before dawn

    I’ve made my words for the day. It’s been hard going. My RPE (Required Pages to Edit) for my one-pass revision requires that I edit 30 pages a day to get this done in time to type in all the edits and new additions. For those interested in writing neep, it breaks down like this:…