Category: The Ruby Key
It’s Out There (The Ruby Key is Live)
I’ve been haunting the local bookstore, and THE RUBY KEY isn’t on the shelves yet, so it didn’t really dawn on me that people are already reading it. But Tina already has a review up (and is giving a copy away), and I’m not ready. I knit two pairs of Genna’s socks to give away,…
A Buddy’s Bookstore, and The Ruby Key
A friend of mine from way back, Robbie Jordan (a.k.a. The Dread Pirate Robbie, when we were role-playing) is starting up a brick-and-mortar indie bookstore in Eden, North Carolina, and because he’s a pretty savvy fellow, as well as a damn fine DM, and one of the first members of our writers’ group, which eventually…
Ruby Key Cover Art
Meant to post this Wednesday–my to-do list overran me, and I forgot. I’m sorry. I’ve had a copy of my cover art for THE RUBY KEY for nearly two months now. It is, in fact, my desktop wallpaper, and it is gorgeous beyond words. I’ve been dying to show it to people, but I couldn’t,…
2/3rds done on copyedit
On the downside, I didn’t get a chance to post a Friday Snippet yesterday. On the upside, I have 217 pages of the Ruby Key copyedit finished, and when I started yesterday, I had 108. Getting ready to charge in again. The possibility exists that I’ll finish the whole thing today, but I still have…
From the Winnowing post
This is the last bit of the Winnowing post over in the publishing forum—the part I think might be of general interest. You are, of course, invited to go over and read and comment on the whole thing. And that brings me to where I am on pursuing the publisher vs. writer route, which right…
RUBY KEY copyedits arrived
Will be busy for the next few days getting the Ruby Key copyedit finished. Copyeditor also loved the book—this is an encouraging thing. Over the last few days (excluding yesterday, which was a family birthday) I’ve been working on the story arc for the rest of the Moon & Sun series. The story, which starts…
Ruby Key: Done!
I love it. It’s done. And I’m done in. Going to be offline for the next two days, getting over this flu-y thing and catching up on my sleep. DONE! And on time, too.