Category: YA
Light Through Fog
I worked all weekend, and have been working nights for a while, in addition to working on the course. See, around the same time that I was getting ready to take How To Think Sideways live, I got this request for a short story from an editor who was putting together an anthology. That’s basically…
More on Joshua Middleton
Joshua Middleton, my magnificent cover artist for The Ruby Key and The Silver Door (I’ve seen it; I’m not allowed to share yet; it’s stunning) has a very nice interview over at Tor right now. I had no idea I got his first novel cover ever. Talk about getting lucky… And thanks to Craig Campbell,…
Bombarded by Writing
C Breathes So I was sitting in the cafe in Books-A-Million waiting for my guys to finish doing Manly Things at Best Buy. I’d forgotten to bring knitting. I’d forgotten to bring my Think Sideways planning notebook. I’d forgotten to bring my “C” planning notebook. So I picked up a cheap-o notebook, and a pen…
Ending Must Answer Beginnings
It’s easy to forget, in the middle of a significant rewrite, that the first question asked at the beginning of the book has changed, and that the ending must be changed to match. The fact that I forgot it is what woke me up this morning. I realized that I’d set up a completely new…
Finished SILVER DOOR Write-In
Tomorrow I’ll start on the type-in, but for today, I’m done, done, done! The write-in revision went well. The beta tester comments helped—folks found a lot of the same issues my editor found, as well as a few things that didn’t bother her, but bothered me. I managed to cover both bits of ground. No…
It’s Out There (The Ruby Key is Live)
I’ve been haunting the local bookstore, and THE RUBY KEY isn’t on the shelves yet, so it didn’t really dawn on me that people are already reading it. But Tina already has a review up (and is giving a copy away), and I’m not ready. I knit two pairs of Genna’s socks to give away,…
Today Has Been Chaos
You have until tomorrow 10 AM to throw your name in as a beta reader, just because I’m not going to have time to do the hat thing today.
Done, mailed to my agent and my editor, and I own my weekend. Which I will spend an inordinate amount of time sleeping through, no doubt. DONE. And I love it. It was, I think, worth all the pain. So. You have the whole weekend to tell me why you should be one of the…
Endless, Endless Revision
Only have to get through 10,000 words today. But today has been the Slaughter of the Trite, and though I started at 7 AM, I have ripped out so many words and deleted so much stuff that even with squeezing in and writing a ton of new pages, I’m at -875 words for the day,…
Today’s Trifecta
10,000 words of combined revision and new material just break even on the deadline Migraine that is making me see spots Hubby sick with fever of 101+ Any bets on the order these three are going to finish in?