Category: Gods Old and Dark
Soundtracks for Novels
There’s a discussion about the music writers listen to while they write. I put together soundtracks that help focus me on the story, but that I think may influence the mood and shape of the books, too. But I thought this might be of interest to readers as well as writers — to have the…
New Agent, After Eleven Years
Well, it’s done as of today, and some of the private stress I’ve been carrying around since November of last year is done with it. I have changed agents; Robin Rue of Writers House now represents me. Saying goodbye to Russ Galen after eleven years was tough; however, I’m changing my direction, my goals, and…
Edited, Printed, Wrapped and Ready
Finished the edit at 11:00 AM on the nose. Finished the print-out (my daughter had 3/4 of a ream of 25lb bond paper in her room — on of the OTHER advantages of living in a house full of writers. The book is packed, I’m waiting to hear back from Diana Gill with a send…
Almost done with the fixes
Some of the questions raised required some immediate thought and a little reworking — mostly, however, this line edit has entailed trooping backward through the manuscript fixing cases where, when I really get going, my fingers choose spellings that my brain doesn’t bother to notice. I’m hell on too/to errors, and its/it’s, and their/there/they’re. Also…
The details of beta reading
Joel asked how someone becomes a beta reader. I’m trying something different this time. Used to be, I didn’t ask for the help of outside beta readers. The only people who saw the manuscript before I sent it off to my editor were the people in my household and me. But the people in my…
“That you have no Drunk of Death …”
I’m doing the revisions and corrections gathered up for me by my superb Fast Turnaround beta readers. And just hit my favorite of my screw-ups so far. I’m eventually going to have to do something with it, I think. It’s the phrase “that you have no drunk of death”, which would seem to be a…
Beta day
I spent three hours this morning putting together my beta reader copies and getting them out the door. I got to switch over the work in progress listed in my community signature from Gods Old and Dark to Midnight Rain — I finally get to get back to it and do that last few thousand…
I’m done!
I’m done, I’m done, I’m done! 106,000 words, and I like the ending. Hah! I think I like the whole thing. I’ll package it and send it to my beta readers tomorrow, but tonight, I’m just going to celebrate. Hot chocolate and pretzels and maybe a sappy movie.
Down to the last two scenes
I’ll finish sometime today!
Four scenes
The big finish is going well. I got four complete, brand-new scenes done this morning, and I love what I got. Manuscript is right at 108,000 words, though after I finish the climactic scenes, I’m going to have to lop off the old ending — so I figure it’ll go down to about 104,000 or…