Category: TalysMana
Yes, It’s Revision… But Is It DELICIOUS?
Like other folks, lots of writers have pets. And while it had been a whole lot of years since I had pets, for Christmas my guys got me a cat. Sheldon. Very cool cat. Likes to help. Really likes to help with revision, which is generally not an area where I welcome help. Here. Let…
Oops — a brief tale of Social Media fail
So I’m working on the TalysMana revision. And because of the way I did the first draft of that story, I was looking for someone online. By name. Had the WHOLE name. And the one place that name came up was in Linkedin. Okay, I thought. I have a Linkedin account. I don’t use the…
The Tale of the Tail in the TalysMana Revision
Last Friday, I printed out my manuscript and my revision worksheets, located my pens, and set everything aside. Saturday was to be my first day of revision. And Saturday with the the big table cleared for writing, I started into revising my badly wrecked fantasy novel TalysMana, written back in 2010. I was planning on…
Needed: One TALYSMANA traitor—talent, sense of humor, and backstabbing dagger required
The revision of TALYSMANA is, has been, and will continue to be a bitch on wheels. The problem I ran into 95% of the way through the first draft was the realization that my ending could not happen with the existing beginning. Like several other novels I’ve written, I stopped writing when I figured that…
Writing Projects Gone Weird: or, Saturday, I Knit A Cat
The migraines and vertigo are back with a vengeance, and I’m stuck in horizontal mode (laptop propped on lap and lying down as I write this, in fact). So Saturday, I dragged out some cotton string (a very nice German variegated yarn), and needles, and did one of the few things that doesn’t make me…
Back To Fiction
I’ve had to take a bunch of days off, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. However, when I’ve been up to it, I’ve been working. On Rebel Tales, on, and also on fiction. I was doing pretty well with TalysMana, but my daughter has some scheduling problems right now, so we’re having…
The novel is back on track
I’m in my second week of getting words on TalysMana every night. I’ve been tentative about saying anything here: the whole fiction-writing process felt so fragile after the unplanned five-month hiatus—family emergency, moving, family emergency, vertigo-and-migraines. I’m just starting to feel mostly normal most of the time, and though I’ve been able to pick up…
That surprise I promised? TWO surprises.
That surprise I promised? There are actually two, though I spent all night working to get everything up and running on both. (And for those who got the e-mail first and discovered you couldn’t post anything, please pretend you didn’t notice that I clearly should not be setting up anything complicated at 3 AM.) The…
If you’re reading TalysMana, please read this
What Is A First Draft? I’ve added it to pages for new folks to find. It’s important. Please take a few minutes to read it.