Category: Onyx Proposal
Valley of the Shadow of Death
A range of fascinating things my search on the term “valley of the shadow of death” turned up: Directions on how to get there Israeli bus article Lewis Carroll poem Crimean war photo Bizarre instructions for a card game A grim article in the Asia Times about life under Islamic fundamentalists Synopsis of Episode 6…
What Shadows Might Be
With the proposal for Claire pretty much in smoking ruins, but with the idea behind it still driving me to write a story about it, I’m going to spend the morning brainstorming all the things that shadows might be, if they are not shadows. And how. And why. And what wickedness might come if they…
Done on the Proposal for the Day
Have spent the last hours dinking and tweaking the proposal, and somehow managed to rearrange damned near every word. What I have now is better. I’ll let it sit through tonight and maybe tomorrow, and have a look at it on Monday to see if it survives cooling. If it does I’ll send it back…
Starting Late
Once more over the proposal to see if anything brilliant occurs to me. There’s always hope.
And Still … the Proposal
In a focused effort to squash my perennial desire to have things done yesterday, I’m going to work on the proposal today and over the weekend. It’s only ten pages long. But it has to be a killer ten pages. So. Slog, slog.
Writing is sucking today. Still stuck on the proposal revision, feel like hell. Avoid Ruffles Light potato chips at all cost. They will wreak havoc on your digestive tract.
Back to the Proposal
Heard back from Robin yesterday — she and Emily, her assistant — went over the second version of the proposal, and has some good suggestions on presentation. So first thing today, I’ll be reworking that. With luck, I’ll also get some of SEAFOX done.
Finished the Proposal
Pretty much rewrote the whole thing from scratch. Am getting ready to print it off now to run it by Matt before I send it of. I like it about a thousand times better. Has been a good, good writing day today.
Proposal Flying
Already on page four of the rewrite, and it’s falling together in a way I wouldn’t have believed. I’m so excited about this book; I’m already itching to write it. Nuts, but there you have it.
And Now to the Revised Proposal
Fresh from the writing high of an ending that is nothing short of a gold-wrapped bow-bedecked gift from my subconscious, I’m diving into the rewrite of my proposal for Claire and Penguin/Putnam, as discussed with my agent (Robin) yesterday. I know what I want to do. Just have to see if I can do it.…