Category: I See You
I SEE YOU Cover Art
Cover art for I SEE YOU. I love this. I think it pops. And it looks nice and hot for July. The concept was originally ‘words written on a mirror’ — yes, my obsession with mirrors and their magic continues in I SEE YOU. It got changed a bit, I suspect because the designers discovered…
Saving, backing up, e-mailing. And then I’m outta here for the day.
Last Day
Today the rest of the book gets done, whether it takes four hours or twenty-four. The manuscript has to be in my editor’s mailbox by nine AM tomorrow, no matter. I have less than a hundred pages of type-in left. However, they’re the hundred pages that include the most extensive changes, with three red scenes…
Just plodding. Today is going to be a long night — if things don’t break, tomorrow is going to be another one. It’s never, ever, as easy as you think it will be.
Seriously Bleary-Eyed, Done for the Day
Bit past the halfway point. I’m tired, I’m grumpy. It’s going, but not fast, not easy. I’m way ready for a stretch of days off.
Today, Planning for a Good Run
Wednesday went terribly. Combination of computer malfunction and head not in the work. In any case, today, I’m starting at 10,353 and seeing how much I can accomplish. No expectations, no mad dashes. I’ll just work steadily and update on the WIPbar, and see what happens. Still have tomorrow and Sunday to finish, if needed.
Finished the Write-In Yesterday
I finished the I See You write-in yesterday fairly late. Big plan is to finish the type-in today, though that will require more than 6,000 words of additions. Not sure if I can do it, but I’m giving it my best shot. WIP bar has been reset to zero. Will update irregularly. Onward!
71,854 total
Have been working all day on ISY, now on 71,854 with all the messed up stuff behind me, and nothing but the screaming finale to do tomorrow. Plus type-in, which will not be bad. This book has required the least editing of anything I’ve done in years. Going to bed now, though. I’m fried.
Progressing on ISY
Made it to 36,337 words on the write-in yesterday before being sick took me out of the game. Running a fever today, feeling like crap, but I have to get this done. So far, my revisions will be minimal — I’m pretty shocked, actually. I know there are a couple of scenes I’ll hit today…
Back to the Land of the Living
I’ve been sick enough since Thursday not to have written at all, which is why you’ve seen no changes on the progress bars, and no posts except for my two Ebay auction notices. I’ve had one of those bugs going around, and I’ve been horizontal except for brief periods to respond to auction questions. The…