Category: SUSPENSE
The New Paranormal Suspense Covers
I finished the following covers for my upcoming novels today: Midnight Rain I See You Last Girl Dancing Night Echoes Because of a bit of a financial bump, I’m pushing hard to get all the backlist up in the next couple of months. To my amazement (because I thought exactly the opposite), I think the…
A Book Giveaway (sort of)
Lots of my novels for free if you’ll pay the postage.
I See You Give-Away, and Update
Jean is giving away a copy of I SEE YOU. I’m struggling with deadlines, a book that isn’t coming together the way I’d like, and my older son’s dying cat. Last few days have been rough.
First Chapter of I SEE YOU Is Up
Put the first chapter of I SEE YOU on the site, will get the second one up in the next week or so, and then the third a week or two after that. I hope you enjoy.
I SEE YOU: Romantic Times Top Pick
Just got the news from Michelle Rowen that I See You got 4 1/2 stars and a Top Pick from Romantic Times. Here’s a quote from the review: “Talk about putting readers on the edge of their seats! Lisle’s new thriller is a gut-wrenching combination of terror and romance, with a touch of the paranormal.…
And A Sale
Time to drag out the endless saga of the Onyx Proposal, but this time for happy news. Claire just bought Shadow Music, one of the books I worked up in the series of about a dozen that I did for the Onyx Proposal. Shadow Music sold to a different Penguin line (Eclipse), with a release…
So. About the Writing.
So. Penguin. The EMT Proposal is toast. We’re discussing me going in an entirely different direction. I’m not posting details until we’ve sealed the deal, because there are some things about it that I might not be completely free to discuss. It isn’t what I’d planned on, but it does offer some interesting possibilities.
Onward, Brightly
Heard from Robin yesterday that she liked the proposal, and had sent it straight on to Claire. This never happens, so I’m hoping the fact that it did this time is a sign (no, make that SIGN) of good things to come. I’m still doing the HTCB manuscript slog. I’m reacquainting myself with the world…