Category: Short Fiction
Site updates to reflect what I’m doing as a writer
I’m doing some rearranging of the site. I’ll be adding links to what I’m creating. Aside from semi-regular posts in the blog and the occasional new writing article or fiction snippet, I’ve been running the blog along for years without doing much with it. But here’s the thing: I’m back to writing new fiction every…
Currently on the Needles
I have the next to last lesson in How to Write a Series almost finished THREE repubbed novelsĀ now working through a launch under a pseudonym (my first voluntary one) Six novellas I’m reworking, editing, and updating with new covers, formatting, debugging, and other clean-up, including the next NEW story, Longview #4: Gunslinger Moon One…
WABWM: New story finished over the weekend
8:06 AM Finished the short story Long Road Home yesterday (was Do-Over on my weblog progress bar, but the working title sucked). Sentence: A woman who’s lost everything makes a deal with the devil to relive her life, only to discover the deal didn’t work the way she thought. First draft came out at about…