Category: The Longview 5: Vipers’ Nest
Vipers’ Nest is live
The book went live about a week, week and a half ago. Maybe longer? I’ve been buried in getting the site done, getting the affiliate program live, and it has been wall-to-wall, morning to night work for the last couple weeks. So while I did remember to publish the story, I missed mentioning my…
Vipers’ Nest bug-hunts: DONE!
What I thought would take one day has instead taken over two weeks and more than six butt-in-chair fully focused hours a day each day of those two weeks. And I know that I will have introduced some new bugs in fixing the old bugs. It happens. ALWAYS. But I have to quit now. HAVE…
Vipers’ Nest Homestretch — I hope…
So… here it is Friday morning, July 6, and I have been working steadily for six hours a day on the bug-hunts for Vipers’ Nest every day but Monday… Granted, as I’m getting into the bug hunts from my later folks, I’m getting a lot of repeat finds. But I have not had one bug…
So today I built the Bug-Hunter edition of Longview 5
Today I spent three Patreon hours putting together the bug-hunter version of Longview 5: The One With The Broken Title. This involved cleaning up a significant amount of weird formatting in Scrivener — (my fault) — moving the project into .docx, then opening it in Vellum and doing the actual book formatting, setting and revising…
Longview 5 is DONE! (But isn’t Vipers’ Nest anymore)
I’m going to need some beta readers for the story that was going to be Vipers’ Nest. So much changed in the writing of it that the Vipers’ Nest in that title turned into a side plot, and the title no longer fits. As I mention in the afterword (written just a few minutes ago)…
Three hours of writing, and the third first draft of Vipers’ Nest is now done!
The story came in at 30,073 words. Close enough to the 30,000 I’d planned to make me happy. It’s really different this time. I ended up not using anything from the previous (two – sigh) first drafts. The story focuses on Shay, Melie, Wils Bailey (THE Bailey from Bailey’s Irish Space Station), the station, Herog…
Site updates to reflect what I’m doing as a writer
I’m doing some rearranging of the site. I’ll be adding links to what I’m creating. Aside from semi-regular posts in the blog and the occasional new writing article or fiction snippet, I’ve been running the blog along for years without doing much with it. But here’s the thing: I’m back to writing new fiction every…