Category: The Longview 3: The Philosopher Gambit
The Grueling Revision Of Penitence and Disbelief
Where revision is concerned, making the assumption that you have the process of knocking out an upcoming revision well in hand before you start in is an act of hubris that will be punished by the Manuscript God. This I know, for I have walked through the Valley of What-The-FUCK-Was-I-Thinking many and many a time before, and…
2,357 words today, and BASHTYK NOKYD is done.
The first draft of Bashtyk Nokyd Takes The Longview is now finished. It runs 21,790 words, and I am damned pleased with the way my ending came together. Melie spots something important, Shay loses something even more important, and the monster get an excuse to come out of the box. So I have tomorrow to do a…
Off-topic, while researching growing food on high-population space stations
I have no time for people who wear their causes on a ribbon, or on their car bumper, and who think this means they’re doing something. I have all the time in the world for people who look at their causes, ask “What could I personally do right now to make this happen?…and then do…
Bashtyk Nokyd doubts the “truth”: And words—now have 17,669
Hit 17,669 words today. Since I’m pushing for 20,000 to 22,000 words, that’s pretty good. (I may run long, but it isn’t going to be Suzee Delight long. Melie has proven the value of her skills again, Shay has convincingly demonstrated that she has the worst boss in Settled Space, Bashtyk Nokyd is planning the…
If you kill your villain halfway through the story…
Today was a bit of a catch-up day for writing. I got 871 words, which does not do a ton for my writing schedule. But two days ago, in a moment of sheer inspiration, right in the middle of Bashtyk Nokyd Takes the Longview, I killed a whole lotta people, and dead among them was…
Melie, Shay, treachery, and mystery: 2048 words
Crazy back pain this morning—sometimes the damn twisted spine is just unbearable, and I had to do a lot of stretching this morning to even get mobile. So it was after 7 AM before I got my first words. But once I got rolling, they flew. I had to pull out the Minecraft map to…
1970 words on Bashtyk, and a whole lotta dead folk
Yeah. That went well. Have been up since six AM today, writing, undoing, rethinking, pushing, and my net gain was one chapter. Good chapter. It ended with the line that made my blood run cold (and not because it broke the entire storyline in this episode for this story’s second main character). Just because it…
Back to Bashtyk: The power of play
So. I woke up at 2AM today, because there was story stuff in my head. And I wrote for four hours and got over 1000 really good words on Bashtyk Nokyd Takes The Longview. But let me drop back on this for a minute. In spite of the work list I revealed on January 1st,…