Category: The Longview 2: The Selling of Suzee Delight
Getting the books out, getting the word out.
The second edition of Tales from the Longview, Episode 2:Â The Selling of Suzee Delight has entered distribution today. This is the sequel to Tales from The Longview, Episode 1: Born from Fire (previously released as Enter the Death Circus), now available permanently for free. I’m hoping to have the third episode, The Philosopher Gambit, ready…
The REVISED new LONGVIEW covers, and how to run a solvent self-pub business
Book covers…GOOD book covers, anyway—are a big flying pain in the ass on a good day, and they are so very much easier to get wrong than right. And blithe comments about hiring a professional cover designer don’t help. A BIG DIGRESSION ON THE FINANCIAL END OF SELF-PUBLISHING, AND HOW YOU STAY SOLVENT The Longview…
The New Covers for Tales from The Longview… I listened.
I read every comment, made notes, came up with alternate concepts, and here are the three final results. WITH new titles, too. So…does this fix the many problems?
Bashtyk Nokyd—Possible Cover Art. Your input?
I like this cover better than either of the previous ones I’ve done for the Longview series, and am considering doing the other two over again to match this style and formatting. What do you think? Previous two covers are below for comparison.
Cadence Drake in Real Life: Now legal, soon possible. I win! đŸ˜€
The main character of my current novel series, Cadence Drake, was a genetically engineered child. One mother, three fathers, and some slicing and dicing of her chromosomes to give her the exact characteristics her mother wanted for her: From my mother I have my coffee-with-a- touch-of-cream skin and full lips and straight teeth. From one…
Super-Snippet: The Selling of Suzee Delight—all three scenes of CHAPTER ONE
All rightee. Deep breath for me, here. Just got finished putting THE SELLING OF SUZEE DELIGHT, Tales from The Longview: Episode 2, up on Amazon. It should go live tomorrow at some point, and when it does, I’ll send out notices. I love this story. I cannot believe how much I love this story. It…
SUZEE DELIGHT is off to the copyeditor
The story wrapped (in what I’m considering the final version) at 29,706 words. 9706 words over what I’d planned, or one third of another story. However, this episode turned out to be far more important to the overall series than I’d anticipated—I got into a couple things in it I wasn’t expecting to see in…
The state of the revision of THE SELLING OF SUZEE DELIGHT
I did my first editor’s revision. Added a bunch of words to the story. In the first revision, I nailed the ending, but screwed up one big character issue while fixing a problem from the first revision. Am doing the second editor’s revision today. After that, assuming Matt’s third read of the story gets me…
SUZEE DELIGHT gets longer
Worked six hours on type-in revision today. I’m 60% of the way through the type-in, and as usual, the story is getting longer. Today, even after some big cuts, I ended up with a 522-word net gain, and a word count of 24,728. I have some big cuts in the last third, but also MOST…
First Draft Finished on “The Selling of Suzee Delight”
The story ran longer than planned—23,929 words rather than 20,000—but I brought the first draft in on deadline. I had to write 2653 words today to HIT that deadline, but I did it. So as promised, here is a largish version of the final cover art (clickable to show an even bigger version. Your votes…