Category: Cadence Drake Novels

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: Words with wings, and conspiracy!

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: Words with wings, and conspiracy!

    Today went well. Seriously, and it was a nice change. Becky and I ran to a ten-minute timer, and in about two hours I got 2016 words — and I like them. And I thought it would be fun to capture this morning’s starting words and ending words as screen shots, and let you see…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: Dark

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: Dark

    Today was much rougher than it should have been. I got in early, got started, and the words just inched out. But at the point where Cady and Badger ended up face to face (in a fashion that is the core conflict of this novel), everything all of a sudden flowed like melting butter. It…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: 2027 words, and a Change in the 3-Novels Experiment

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: 2027 words, and a Change in the 3-Novels Experiment

    Got pretty decent words today on The Wishbone Conspiracy. 2027 new words, taking me to a total of 23,873 words in the novel. I mostly like what I got, though I had a bit of a hard start. And that’s what I want to talk about today. The “Write on three different novels each week” experiment…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: Yesterday and today

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: Yesterday and today

    Yesterday, a couple things went wrong. First, the writing dragged because I didn’t know where the novel was going. I made it up to 21,843 words — so it wasn’t a complete wreck. But it was not that flowing, flying race against the timer that is so fun. Second, I chose to get sidetracked figuring…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: 2000 words and intrigue

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: 2000 words and intrigue

    As of right now, I’m 21,525 words into The Wishbone Conspiracy,  and making good progress. Not having a great day otherwise, but my daughter and I got to write together for a couple hours and hit our word counts. And the story tied itself in more tightly with the little secret story I’m hinting at in…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: I discover Tangerine’s real name

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: I discover Tangerine’s real name

    Tangerine got himself in some hot water with Cady today — he’s a clever chap who did some deep digging, and found out a bit of her past he would have been better off not knowing. But during what turned into an awkward encounter between the two of them, I learned both his original real…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: Tangerine Returns

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: Tangerine Returns

    Today, a blast from the past who yesterday showed up for this party uninvited today became a major part of the story. Tangerine was a one-scene character in Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood. He was in that story to change Cady’s appearance when she was in trouble but did not yet know exactly how much trouble she…

  • The Wishbone Conspiracy: Tangerine?

    The Wishbone Conspiracy: Tangerine?

    I got 2014 words today on The Wishbone Conspiracy, and sent Cady home — back to Cantata, back to Oldcity… And someone showed up whom I was not expecting to see for several more books. Tangerine, the bodyartist from Tangerine’s Dream back in Book One. I knew when I met Tangerine that he was a lot more…

  • Wishbone Conspiracy: 2176 words and some GREAT twists

    Wishbone Conspiracy: 2176 words and some GREAT twists

    Fun, fun writing day today. I ran for about two hours, and got 2176 words, a really cool twist I didn’t expect, a second twist that I did, and put Cady, Tarko, and Storm Rat in the eye of not one but TWO coming storms. Herog is off doing other stuff in this novel, so…

  • Wishbone Conspiracy: Excellent writing day

    Wishbone Conspiracy: Excellent writing day

    I got started late this morning. Every once in a while I have a night where I can’t sleep. I went to bed around midnight, woke up at two-thirty, and couldn’t get back to sleep until seven AM. So I wasn’t back up and at work until ten AM. And I feel a bit fried.…