Category: Cady I: Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood

  • Do you own and play Minecraft? Want my spaceship models?

    Yes, I’m a geek. Using Minecraft, I built life-sized walkthrough models of the spaceships I write about in Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood and Warpaint from the schematics I drew. I did it to keep myself from making stupid location mistakes in the stories. (And let’s be real…it was fun. And when I was a kid,…

  • Cady (in Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood) hit #8 in her category on Amazon

    Tuesday night, HUNTING THE CORRIGAN’S BLOOD hit #8 in Books/SF/Space Opera on The book was hovered around the top ten all day yesterday, and is #20 right now. I want to thanks the folks who bought the book, who recommended it, who wrote reviews. With Cady having a good kickoff, it makes my chances…

  • WABWM: How Battle Plans Fall Apart (But Still Keep Working)

    9:03 AM Have been working since about 7:00 AM. Am both behind and ahead on the revision. I’m doing Chapter 9 right now, which in theory would put me behind (since my schedule today calls for me to have STARTED on Chapter 11. However, with two exceptions where I’ll have to add entirely new scenes,…

  • WABWM: Down to the wire, doing the stress dance

    10:04 AM Have been working since 7:30 AM. Am in full-blown “holy shit, I’m outta time” mode now. What I needed to get done yesterday… #4-Transfer corrections to e-pub versions. #8-Set up the sales pages for my site, Amazon, B&N, Apple, and possibly Kobo (Kobo is not impressing me) (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, WordPress. #12-Write the cool…

  • WABWM: Getting close to publishing HUNTING THE CORRIGAN’S BLOOD

    8:54 AM Late start today. Have: Been in a panic over the music video and have been considering another hundred or so takes to see if I could get one I liked better (counterproductive, and I’m out of time) Been setting up the Cadence Drake website, and realizing that I haven’t put together the cool…

  • WABWM: Music video, pre-pub work

    Forgot to put this up yesterday, so this is actually yesterday’s list. 7:32 AM The Wednesday list: Proof and correct print version of manuscript (Pages). DONE Upload final print version of HTCB. (CreateSpace) DONE Finish print cover layout. (Fireworks) DONE Transfer corrections to epub versions. (Pages, Scrivener) Transfer and adapt high-res print cover to low-res…

  • WABWM: This weeks, while WARPAINT cools down…

    Writing a book includes: Conceptualizing. Outlining. Writing. Revision. Production. Post-production and promotion. It includes all of these steps whether you are publishing commercially or on your own. So I’ll be tracking all those other steps as I work through them on this board. Today, the task on WARPAINT is to let it sit for a…

  • ARCs now available for 25 fans/readers who would like to review HTCB

    In the long, long discussion of the fallout from the John Locke debacle, I noted that getting reviews on your work is an agonizing process—that I have books that have sold thousands of copies and have obtained only one or two reviews. The publishing industry has been giving ARCs to reviewers since there’s been a…

  • WABWM: Finish line on WARPAINT tomorrow? Maybe…

    7:23 AM I’m almost to the end of this marathon, after which I’ll need to sit down, figure out my schedule, and announce how I’m going to do the How To Write A Series extension (I’ve figured THAT out and have started work on it, but I’m not where I can take the time to…

  • WABWM: New song, lotta words, and Recording Day 😀

    7:12 AM Today I’m limited for time. My brother-in-law is coming over at 12:30 PM to help me record tracks for “Didn’t Expect That,” the song I wrote for Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood. I have to stop writing at 10 AM, because I have to set up my office as a recording studio (yay, Garage…