Category: Cady II: WARPAINT
Marketing Tuesday & Fiction + Classes Wednesday
Here’s what I did yesterday for Marketing Tuesday: A new cover for Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood: A new cover for Warpaint: And I worked on getting the books out wide. Not done yet, but I’ll work on that more today. TODAY… The first thing I did was get 2187 new words on Tori and her…
I’ve UNPUBLISHED Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood, and Warpaint
This was a tough decision to make. I’ve pulled both Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood and Warpaint from circulation. They will be back… But not until I know I’m going to put them in front of the readers who will love them. I’m going to have to get (or make) new covers for both books, completely…
Just discovered the actual genre for Cadence Drake… derp!
Biopunk. Biopunk? BIOPUNK! Real genre, I write it, I have been writing it since the late nineties… <le sigh> So how exactly did I miss this? How did I not realize this was a thing that those of us who love science and genetics and SF and fantasy were writing? That would be the Epic…
Lost Words Found: I’m having a strange and disturbing morning…
I think in general we as human beings like to think we’re on top of things. That we have a pretty good bead on not just where we are, but where we’ve been, and where we’re going. I’m working on Lesson 16 of How to Write a Novel this morning, which is about voice and…
Cadence Drake in Real Life: Now legal, soon possible. I win! 😀
The main character of my current novel series, Cadence Drake, was a genetically engineered child. One mother, three fathers, and some slicing and dicing of her chromosomes to give her the exact characteristics her mother wanted for her: From my mother I have my coffee-with-a- touch-of-cream skin and full lips and straight teeth. From one…
Here’s the WARPAINT theme song video
[youtube=] Click this link to go to the MP3 Download of the song, along with earlier freebies. The REALLY BIG VERSION is here: The embed code button didn’t work, so on the chance that you want to add the video to your site, I gathered them up. Copy the code beneath the player size…
Finally got the images for Cadence Drake posted
A view of Bailey’s Irish Station, where The Wishbone Conspiracy will start. A second angle. The bonus station. The spaceships from Bailey’s Irish. A closer look at the ships. If you have Minecraft, you can get all of the for free from the following download page: Still not done with the WARPAINT songs.
Coupon, gift link, details, book links and general info are on my Cadence Drake site.
You can probably hear the screams from there… #wabwm
Revised the cover art last night. Revised the cover copy last night. Did more cleanup on the books last night. Finally got all the versions of the book acceptably formatted (I think) around midnight. And uploaded after that. Back up early this morning, getting the MINECRAFTTM spaceship/spacestation maps ready for uploading. (Important note here: If…