Category: Setting Up Your Writing Business

  • The Write Stuff 2022 Story Bundle… and me!

    The Write Stuff 2022 Story Bundle… and me!

    This year I was invited for into a StoryBundle for the first time… and I accepted the invitation because the bundle includes not just a bunch of really good writers of both fiction and nonfiction, but two of my genuine writing heroes — Lawrence Block, whose Telling Lies for Fun and Profit helped me teach myself…

  • Why I shut down my Patreon fundraiser

    Why I shut down my Patreon fundraiser

    I’d intended to send a Questions & Answers email to my How to Write a Novel launch list, but that’s going to have to wait.Instead, I did THIS. Closed my “Move out of Florida while writing fiction” fundraiser. Here’s why — it’s this clause in the Patreon Legal Agreement By posting content to Patreon you grant us a…

  • The Pointy Marketing End of Writing Fiction: Old Dog, New Trick

    The Pointy Marketing End of Writing Fiction: Old Dog, New Trick

    No big secret that I’m working hard on making my fiction a full-time paying gig again — my objective is to earn 50% of my income from fiction, with the other 50% coming from my writing classes. Fiction has been shoved over in a corner for years, because, well — writing good nonfiction is about…

  • Answers on the Self-Pub Business Setup course

    I found myself being asked a number of questions I’d already answered, so I’m going to post abbreviated versions of the questions, and my answers, here so people can find them. The questions have helped me get a much clearer vision of what the course has to be—as well as allowing me to understand the…

  • Possible “Writing Business” course, and World Clinic progress #wabwm

    The new course concept I mentioned this yesterday on the Write A Book With Me forum, in response to a writer’s question about publishing. I had done some initial brainstorming on setting up a short-story to self-pub workshop. In my initial concept, it would have been 11 weeks from basic 10,000 word story start to…