Category: Workshops
Weekend “Write A Book With Me” Feb 1-3
Margaret and I are doing the push to finish testing on the classroom; no words yesterday, won’t be any today or tomorrow. We’re close to done, but not there yet. Hope you’re getting lots, though. And good ones, too.
Waylaid by Downton Abbey #wabwm
The work I got on World Clinic yesterday, all 2487 words of it :mrgreen:, will have to suffice for today as well. The third series of Downton Abbey came out yesterday. Matt and I had discovered the show right after the new year, and had already been through the first two series (twice) since then.…
Hit the Line World, happily #wabwm
Yesterday, got 1296 words, split between worksheets and book text, on Create A World Clinic, and I’m now digging into the Line World. I came up with a second “Instant World” demo technique for this, and today will be working out my actual demo. My Muse LOVES demos, because it means we get to write…
Today I start the Line World section of Create A World Clinic #wabwm
Starting with 11,271 words, including worksheets. Goal today is 1500 words, and the demo of how to build a line world. Once I get those, I need to push toward completion on the Updated and Revised 7-Day Crash Revision Workshop. How about you?
Working on my focus with World Clinic #wabwm
Had a couple of weeks where I took off, then lost my focus when I got back. Yesterday, I finally got my feet under myself, and today I want to continue that. Objective, 1000 words on World Clinic. And then the rest of the stuff. At this point I’m playing catch-up with getting old courses…
Answers on the Self-Pub Business Setup course
I found myself being asked a number of questions I’d already answered, so I’m going to post abbreviated versions of the questions, and my answers, here so people can find them. The questions have helped me get a much clearer vision of what the course has to be—as well as allowing me to understand the…
Possible “Writing Business” course, and World Clinic progress #wabwm
The new course concept I mentioned this yesterday on the Write A Book With Me forum, in response to a writer’s question about publishing. I had done some initial brainstorming on setting up a short-story to self-pub workshop. In my initial concept, it would have been 11 weeks from basic 10,000 word story start to…