Category: How To Think Sideways

  • Now writing: How To Invent and Use Your EXCLUSIVE Self-Publishing Genre

    I’m now writing the first of the special Self-Publishing lessons for HTTS.  It’ll be Lesson 7 in the public course (Kindle-Nook-iTunes if possible-print).  And Lesson 6B in the Legacy course, because I’m a complete wuss and I don’t want to have to totally rebuild the entire course across 12 variations every time I add one…

  • Think Sideways Self-Publishers’ Bulletin

    Okay. How To Think Sideways for Self-Publishers is a go. I’ve figured out how to do it, how to keep the price way down, how to put it up on the big platforms (Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and Createspace), and how to get the essentials like worksheets that won’t work in e-book readers into…

  • The special SELF-PUB modules for How To Think Sideways Self-Pub

    I took a break from putting together a cool HTTS Hotseat today with a writer who needed to know how to create a villain for her story. Got out a notebook, wrote out the existing modules in How To Think Sideways, and figured out how to streamline the HTTS Self-Pub course. URGENT! All current Think…

  • A low-priced Self-Pub version of How To Think Sideways?

    Self-pub has become the way to go if you want to write and make a living at it. The last few years, my self-pub has paid the bills, and my commercial pub hasn’t. Among commercially published writers, I’m not alone. The majority of commercially published novelists are working a “real” job just to survive. Successful…

  • Three Weeks Of The Think Sideways Walkthrough

    I forgot. I’ve just been swamped, and I forgot to post here to let folks know that I have three sampler pages from the How To Think Sideways Walkthrough available for everyone to use. You get the complete content, including audio and downloads, for the first page of each of the following three weeks: Week…

  • Bracing For The Storm

    I’ve been doing HTTS Walkthrough prep and setup all week. Site set-up, lesson template setup, student set-up. Today I did workflow setup. Because I’m doing two projects at once, and because one is nonfiction and one is fiction, and because they are inextricably locked together like Siamese twins—and because both are MASSIVE projects, either of…

  • The Last Moon & Sun and the Think Sideways Walkthrough

    More than a month after I intended to start, (due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control™), today I’m beginning The Last Moon & Sun…which is not the title of the book, but I have to call it something until I have a real title. This is not a little project. This is…well, mammoth. Why? One: I…

  • coming in November

    I have the temporary front page up here: I have beta testers going through a free plot-outline course (a major upgrade on the current version done via e-mail on THIS site). We’re finding bugs and getting them out of the way now. Once we get the bugs out, this will go live for EVERYONE,…

  • What My New Year’s Resolution Means For You

    The path that brought me to this moment started exactly 25 years ago today, when in my diary I wrote, “Before I turn 25, I want to write a book.” 25 years later, I’ve written 33 novels (plus one I did anonymously as work for hire), am working on a couple more, and intend to…


    All caps… Yes. I’m shouting. You know I wanted to come up with some magnificent challenge for myself to pledge as my New Year’s Resolution, to have going in some beginning fashion before I turn 50 in October of next year. And I was standing in the shower just minutes ago, and thinking about TalysMana…