Category: How To Revise Your Novel

  • And more of the same… OHIO 2 (NO… THREE) Revision

    And more of the same… OHIO 2 (NO… THREE) Revision

    I’m going through all five novels. At the moment, I’m tearing apart Book One, which I got right, to find out where I need to take Book Two THREE in the revision. It’s a complicated process, and I’m managing to give myself regular headaches going through it. And all of this is my own damn…

  • Still replotting, still restructuring on Ohio 3

    Still replotting, still restructuring on Ohio 3

    There’s damn little I’m going to be able to save. Ohio 3 is lost in the weeds. So at this point, I’m barely even looking for things to save. I’m just looking for the story I wanted to tell but didn’t, and if I can use any of what I already wrote, great. If not……

  • Here’s that Wrong Left Turn In Albuquerque… and it’s as bad as I dreaded.

    Here’s that Wrong Left Turn In Albuquerque… and it’s as bad as I dreaded.

    The first sixty pages of Ohio 3 held up fine. Starting on manuscript page 61, I went in exactly the wrong direction, dropped the really good local character I had in place for one who broke my otherwise tight worldbuilding through two novels and the start of this one all to shit, threw in a…

  • Starting the Ohio 3 Read-through/Revision

    Starting the Ohio 3 Read-through/Revision

    Okay. I have the manuscript printed out. I did some brainstorming in the shower on how I can save as much of what I remember of the story as possible WITHOUT breaking what I did in the first two books, or the last two. Worst case, I’ll end up writing a completely new novel. That’s…

  • Good news, BAD news on the Ohio Novels.

    Good news, BAD news on the Ohio Novels.

    Finished up the type-in revision of Ohio 2 yesterday, and I love the book. Printed out the revised manuscript this morning, and have it set up for Matt to edit when he has time. And then I opened up Ohio 3. <cue theme from Jaws: beat head repeatedly on desk with vigor and frustration… but in…

  • Revised Ohio 2 through page 369 — and very happy with my progress.

    Revised Ohio 2 through page 369 — and very happy with my progress.

    Today was one of the weirder parts of Book 2, and it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. I was afraid it might not hold up. But it did. I found myself laughing in the right places, and getting choked up in the right places, and while there were some story issues I had…

  • Catching up on the updates: Starting at page 291 on the Ohio 2 revision

    Catching up on the updates: Starting at page 291 on the Ohio 2 revision

    The last couple days have been hectic, and I’ve managed to miss blogging twice. But I’ve gotten my revision pages every day. This morning, I’m starting the write-in revision on page 291. The last page in the novel is 431. I won’t get there today, but I’ll make good headway toward getting there, and might…

  • To manuscript page 228 on the type-in

    To manuscript page 228 on the type-in

    Today was tough. I had a LOT of hand-written stuff that had to be typed in, and a number of existing pages that had to be either heavily re-written or deleted entirely. Writing-wise, it was a good day, in that I love this story and the way all the pieces are coming together. But it…

  • 74 pages of revision progress on Ohio 2

    74 pages of revision progress on Ohio 2

    The words went really well. Don’t know how many I added today — but it was a fair number. And I like what I got. I’m very grateful I’ve got a weekend starting, though. I’m tired, and I’ll be grateful for two days of when I don’t have to do anything writing-related.

  • OHIO 2 REVISION: Made it to manuscript page 134 of the Ohio 2 type-in.

    OHIO 2 REVISION: Made it to manuscript page 134 of the Ohio 2 type-in.

    And in this particular set of chapters, I’ve managed to make myself cry a couple of times. The fixes in this section have been mostly small (typos, spellos, extra spaces), and the couple of bigger changes let me add a bit more emotion to the terrible thing that my main character is discovering. It was…