Cadence Drake in Real Life: Now legal, soon possible. I win! 😀

Hunting the Corrigan's Blood
Hunting the Corrigan’s Blood

The main character of my current novel series, Cadence Drake, was a genetically engineered child. One mother, three fathers, and some slicing and dicing of her chromosomes to give her the exact characteristics her mother wanted for her:

From my mother I have my coffee-with-a- touch-of-cream skin and full lips and straight teeth. From one of my fathers I have high, sharp cheekbones and slanting almond-shaped eyes with a pronounced epicanthic fold, though the eyes themselves are a vivid and startling blue, the gift of another father. My hair is straight and the color of amber, my nose is long and thin. My body is long and angular. I look like what I am—an outdated fashion statement.

From Hunting The Corrigan’s Blood: Cadence Drake #1


And it just became legal in England to do this exact sort of genetic engineering in order to prevent lethal genetic disease being passed from mother to child.

I think this is a fantastic development, something that will improve the lives of future generations of human beings, and something that has tremendous potential for giving people a chance at longer and better lives.

However, I also think it’s cool as hell that I built the main character of my current main series on science that just went Real World.

The novel is also available here:

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3 responses to “Cadence Drake in Real Life: Now legal, soon possible. I win! :D”

  1. Jean Avatar

    I’m not sure I’m wild about that approval — yes, the good things, I hope will work out. On the other hand, your science fiction has come to pass in the real world. THAT is a huge deal, and congratulations are in order. Many science fiction writers don’t live to see their fiction come to fruition in real life. You have.

    With some trepidation, I decided to participate in the VA’s Million Veteran Program, which is researching genetic impacts on service members (that’s a very loose translation of the program).

  2. Shawna Avatar

    I suspect it won’t be such a easy task here in the states, at least some of them… given the reaction to mere genetically modified foods, I can’t imagine that genetically modified humans will go over well.

  3. Claudette Avatar

    What’s that argument about life and/or science following art or vice versa?

    Here you have your case. Did Cady come from a corner of your mind that extrapolated fragments of existing genetic engineering theory? Or can later discussion bring in the paradox of which came first–Cady or human genetic modification in the real world.

    I like it.

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